XRW-147 wrote:ajb wrote:So how many psp's do I need to bribe you with to get the hookup with an apartment??
Arnie might be the wrong Don to approach. His specialty revolves around short term contracts.
Liban wrote:GK wrote:I am happy to give lessons in etiquette BTW at a more than reasonable Dh 700 per hour...
Hmmm.... That sounds appealing. But I'd rather stay, rude, immoral, pushy, vulgar, classless and everything else...
the_zooter wrote:fayz wrote:hmmm Dubai Forum Track days, i like the sound of that
Real shame you are out of town this week - I would have loved to have gone karting with you or something!!
Liban wrote:I want to go. Who wants to join me?
Liban wrote:HP wrote:Moral result = girls suck
I agree. Many do.
constantine wrote:fayz wrote:Liban wrote:HP wrote:Moral result = girls suck
I agree. Many do.
But the key is finding one that swallows.
someone had it "coming"...
arniegang wrote:cant help you there because i wear and buy the real thing