fakespike - Posts

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the pay is crap but at least the work is hard! gym/health

hello ladies and gents, can i use you for a little? at least i am honest arnt i? so i started an online supplements retailer(vitamins proteins etc) in dubai. we deliver the stuff straight to your house and everything. now posting here has the really nice side effect of advertising for it. But more i...
by fakespike
Jul 16, 2012
Forum: For Sale in Dubai
Topic: the pay is crap but at least the work is hard! gym/health
Replies: 0
Views: 2189

dubai forum face lift? who is in charge

anyone know who is in charge here? i would really like to give this site a face lift. The UI in this site is terrible and the forum is very dated. security is some what neglected seriously. dont want to scare anyone but you are really easy to track (if one wanted to). Well i have the means and resou...
by fakespike
Jul 16, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: dubai forum face lift? who is in charge
Replies: 0
Views: 2266

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