fafit - Posts

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hi evolve... i saw your other post... can you please tell me how much for a set of Z18 Minardi (Black) http://www.zinikwheels.com/z18b.jpg with appropriate tyres? thanks in advance.
by fafit
May 02, 2007
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Sport Alloys / Rims & Tires
Replies: 3
Views: 2709

so would i be able to trade-in my original set of alloys? if so how much can i get for them given that the car is brand new.

by fafit
May 03, 2007
Forum: Dubai Auto
Replies: 25
Views: 24608

Tinting car windows...

I just got my new car and was hoping you guys can advice on the best window tinting in town. The dealer offered a tinting service by a US company costing around 2600dhs, not really sure if that's reasonable or not. Any feedback would be great.
by fafit
May 06, 2007
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Tinting car windows...
Replies: 16
Views: 5713

thanks for all the feedback...
so where can I get the 3m? is there some place that i can get it done?
by fafit
May 07, 2007
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Tinting car windows...
Replies: 16
Views: 5713

Which NBD credit card doesn't charge an annual fee? I was offered the platnium and gold card and both carry high annual fee (700 and 500 respectively)... ridiculous!
by fafit
May 07, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Credit Cards
Replies: 6
Views: 2441

I'm keen to join you guys to play some ball... pls advice on venue and tip-off time :lol:
by fafit
May 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: where can we play basketball
Replies: 6
Views: 5515

I totally agree... there is no excuse for delaying salary payments. This could only suggest that the company is not financially sound.
by fafit
May 21, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: What is an ideal contract here?
Replies: 9
Views: 2963

where can i buy cigar accessories in dubai?

I'm looking for a cigar case and humidor in Dubai... any ideas where I can get them?
by fafit
Jun 07, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: where can i buy cigar accessories in dubai?
Replies: 2
Views: 2520

Ballroom Dancing Class

Hi where is the best place in Dubai to learn Ballroom Dancing?
by fafit
Jul 14, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Ballroom Dancing Class
Replies: 1
Views: 2029

How can owning a house in the UK in this economic climate with negative equity be "lucky"?? Anyway I think you've answered your own question, as your choices are either renting it out or leaving it unoccupied. Some British expats here have sold their properties in the UK to come to Dubai w...
by fafit
Jan 12, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: what do people with houses back home do
Replies: 7
Views: 2352

Companies here are in retrenchment mode at the moment... so doubt if there are any opportunities.
by fafit
Jan 14, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Joiner seeking work in Dubai
Replies: 2
Views: 2946

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