elviresandoor - Posts

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hello Jamal

I have been trying to move to Qatar for a while now, but with no luck! I haven't tried Bayt.com yet even though they have a great reputation, as I have been trying to contact the employers directly (and no positive feedback yet). Still, I heard that recruitment agencies are usually charging both emp...
by elviresandoor
Sep 14, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Finally Emlpyed in Dubai
Replies: 5
Views: 2654

Many thanks to both of your for your time and advice. I have no doubt now that I will be on the right track with Bayt job site!! As a matter of fact, I will start uploading my online resume right away. I will definitely keep you posted! Thank you once again.
by elviresandoor
Sep 16, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Finally Emlpyed in Dubai
Replies: 5
Views: 2654

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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