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Run away Wife -- absconding or let stay or deport ?

Dear All, Hope you can help me coz i know it is really easy to give advice but its a hell of a lot different when you are int he situation..anywayz my story is--- -- I married my wife 3 yrs ago and we were both Catholic,, she already had 3 kids before i married her. I brought her to Dubai under my H...
by dxbsoul
May 22, 2012
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Run away Wife -- absconding or let stay or deport ?
Replies: 8
Views: 7025

Re: Run Away Wife -- Absconding Or Let Stay Or Deport ?

@IUO -- I ASKED FOR ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS ..NOT YOUR INSULTS... you're the one who sounds like an an idiot!! ..
by dxbsoul
May 23, 2012
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Run away Wife -- absconding or let stay or deport ?
Replies: 8
Views: 7025

Re: Run away Wife -- absconding or let stay or deport ?

she's just emailing me and saying crazy stuff like if you send me home..--will do my best to ruin your life and lose your job..even if we both go to jail--she has 3 kids..and saying things like this ----unbelievable FYI./.went to two police stations..told them the story...they would not open file or...
by dxbsoul
May 25, 2012
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Run away Wife -- absconding or let stay or deport ?
Replies: 8
Views: 7025

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