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Dubai Underground

Holla Folks Thought of sharing this Intresting Blog with you it is called http://www.Dxbunderground.com/blog .The blog provides insights on whats going on Dubai . They attempt to Reveal the truth and demystify what has been hidden.From Illegal activities to Censorship. Special offers to Current Even...
by dude91
Jul 26, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai Underground
Replies: 0
Views: 1114

Stealing Your neighbours Wi-Fi

Stealing Your neighbours Wi-Fi To a growing number of Internet piggy-backers, it's the sweet sound of pirating their neighbor's wireless network. Most new computers are equipped for wireless Internet access, and more and more people are opting for Wi-Fi in their homes. But as the networks become str...
by dude91
Jul 28, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Stealing Your neighbours Wi-Fi
Replies: 4
Views: 2117


that can be done .......
Most of the wifi user know nothing about it though...

how about me posting a tutorial on how to secure your wifi connetion?
by dude91
Jul 28, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Stealing Your neighbours Wi-Fi
Replies: 4
Views: 2117


lol dats wt its abt........we live in a world of technically unaware personelles

and the connection which are secured are often with default passwords...i am gonna post them soon !

Visit me at http://www.dxbunderground.com/blog
by dude91
Jul 28, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Stealing Your neighbours Wi-Fi
Replies: 4
Views: 2117

9 Successuful Tips For Buying Second Hand Cell Phone

9 Successuful Tips For Buying Second Hand Cell Phone Going with the theme of mobiles here is an article to assist you with buying second hand mobile phones. Here we go... If you have plenty of extra money in your pocket, you can buy anything you like. However, it is wise to know that so many brand ...
by dude91
Jul 29, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: 9 Successuful Tips For Buying Second Hand Cell Phone
Replies: 0
Views: 2641

Your friends know you are a Malbari when..

Location : U.A.E in General... You are staying outside India, and your friends know you are a Malayalee when.. 1, You have rocks, sticks, leaves and strange-smelling, unknown substances in your kitchen for use as medicine or in your dinner. 2,You own a butcher knife bigger than your head. 3, Lipton ...
by dude91
Jul 30, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Your friends know you are a Malbari when..
Replies: 0
Views: 864

Why Being a teen In Dubai Sux...

Trust me being a teen in Dubai is not all that great...We have not much to do for our recreation . Let me List out to you where & what actually goes wrong. + The F**king heat :- I wouldn't be surprised if you get evaporated in this bad ass heat.No wonder we have to think twice before a game of b...
by dude91
Jul 31, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why Being a teen In Dubai Sux...
Replies: 14
Views: 8269

feels good when some one understands you....
by dude91
Jul 31, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why Being a teen In Dubai Sux...
Replies: 14
Views: 8269

oh how abt no1 plate fujairah ?
by dude91
Aug 11, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Check out the car with no 1 Plate !
Replies: 9
Views: 2935

Good Work !
by dude91
Oct 12, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai Forums moved to a new dedicated quad core server
Replies: 9
Views: 3741


by dude91
Oct 22, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: How Long have you been In dubai ?
Replies: 32
Views: 7634

by dude91
Jan 23, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: 999 number being abused
Replies: 3
Views: 1181

Nice to see there are people who know about SEO here !
by dude91
May 02, 2009
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: SEO "Search Engine Optimization: tips and tricks
Replies: 7
Views: 2053

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