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ex Royal Marines Commando

Hi I’m and ex Marine looking for work in Dubai. I'm a qualified High Rope Access level 1 and trained Rigger. Obviously did the whole security commando thing too. Got an ex wife who is bleeding me dry so need to find a job that can keep her and my son in the lifestyle they have become accustom, so an...
by dubrifirkin
May 20, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: ex Royal Marines Commando
Replies: 0
Views: 995

ex Royal Marines Commando

Hi I’m and ex Marine looking for work in Dubai. I'm a qualified High Rope Access level and trained Rigger. Obviously did the whole security commando thing too. Got an ex wife who is bleeding me dry so need to find a job that keep her and my son in the lifestyle they have become accustom, so any poin...
by dubrifirkin
May 20, 2009
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: ex Royal Marines Commando
Replies: 0
Views: 1261

ex Royal Marines Commando

Hi I’m and ex Marine looking for work in Dubai. I'm a qualified High Rope Access level and trained Rigger. Obviously did the whole security commando thing too. Got an ex wife who is bleeding me dry so need to find a job that keep her and my son in the lifestyle they have become accustom, so any poin...
by dubrifirkin
May 20, 2009
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: ex Royal Marines Commando
Replies: 1
Views: 1336

ex Royal Marines Commando

Hi I’m and ex Marine looking for work in Dubai. I'm a qualified High Rope Access level and trained Rigger. Obviously did the whole security commando thing too. Got an ex wife who is bleeding me dry so need to find a job that keep her and my son in the lifestyle they have become accustom, so any poin...
by dubrifirkin
May 20, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: ex Royal Marines Commando
Replies: 3
Views: 1709


Cheers will look into it
by dubrifirkin
May 20, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: ex Royal Marines Commando
Replies: 3
Views: 1709

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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