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New group to play soccer in Mirdif

Hi, we have created group through MeetUp app called Mirdif Soccer. We are still in the initial stage collecting more members, so please join us if you love soccer. We are targeting to play twice a week and the pitch will be an outdoor pitch with 7 or 8 players each team. Hope to see this group growi...
by dubai4ever
Sep 25, 2014
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: New group to play soccer in Mirdif
Replies: 6
Views: 4098


download an app called Meetup and search for groups around your area...great app to search for any type of activities
by dubai4ever
Sep 25, 2014
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: Football (Soccer) in Dubai???
Replies: 6
Views: 4878

Re: New Group To Play Soccer In Mirdif

videogamesae , Sorry man....i am a Fifa fan
by dubai4ever
Sep 29, 2014
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: New group to play soccer in Mirdif
Replies: 6
Views: 4098

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