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Soulmate love and sex

Dear All, This question may sound like an old one, but I would like to ask all of you. "Does having s#x with your soulmate in anyway affect the depth of love that you have for her?" The other day i was discussing the same question with a friend of mine and he says in his case, this was the...
by dubai1970
Aug 11, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Soulmate love and sex
Replies: 4
Views: 2749

hi i believe that what happened wz ur friend is exactly what it should. by the mean of soul mates should be treat in different way of there $ex, and souls should be in higher position than bed. i feel its like a holly love and as any holly stuff u should touch it carefully or it will not be holly a...
by dubai1970
Aug 11, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Soulmate love and sex
Replies: 4
Views: 2749

Nice topic. To me though a Soul mate would be that person that you share everything with, so literally mind, body and soul. That's the person that I believe you would fall truly in love with - or one would hope anyway. I get where you're coming from. Thats a sort of definition which sound like comp...
by dubai1970
Aug 11, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Soulmate love and sex
Replies: 4
Views: 2749

Sr SQL Server DBA for a foreign bank in the Middle east

Please do not waste your time if you do not qualify any one of the requirements. Sr. SQL Server DBA Qualification Required: 1. BS degree in Information Technology/Computer Science. 2. A minimum of 7 years or more of hands-on experience with MS SQL Server Database Administration 3. A thorough underst...
by dubai1970
Aug 11, 2008
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Sr SQL Server DBA for a foreign bank in the Middle east
Replies: 0
Views: 2077

As far as I can see pretty much all religions are outdated, they don't move with the times so young people in particular cannot relate to them anymore. What she said is what I almost hear from others when it comes to applying religion in todays modern world. Can some one from a religious background...
by dubai1970
Aug 12, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Marrying within your own religion
Replies: 39
Views: 12237

Well in terms of modern day religions you have kabbalah and Scientology - ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh we're all aliens! Probably not far from the truth. extension of Judaism and Christianity of some sort although there is no direction connection. I thought aliens live only in America ;-) do these new reli...
by dubai1970
Aug 12, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Marrying within your own religion
Replies: 39
Views: 12237

Re: Love!

Though islam showed us that its not good to date, have boy/girl friends, kissing and touching diffrent genders before marriage people still do this things, i wonder why?! i'm sure that many members here have boy/girl friends So its forbeddin to have them even if you think its real love its still fo...
by dubai1970
Oct 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Love!
Replies: 21
Views: 4943

Chocs is absolutely right, but tell us how 'Islam has shown' that it is wrong to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? That is only from the perspective of Islam and an outdated, outmoded, and possibly blinkered point of view. The Kora'an was written in a time when society was different and education lev...
by dubai1970
Oct 21, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Love!
Replies: 21
Views: 4943

Chocs is absolutely right, but tell us how 'Islam has shown' that it is wrong to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? That is only from the perspective of Islam and an outdated, outmoded, and possibly blinkered point of view. The Kora'an was written in a time when society was different and education lev...
by dubai1970
Oct 22, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Love!
Replies: 21
Views: 4943

OK, this is one to be moved to the Religion and Culture forum really. However, in finality: Personally I have no problem with 'Religion' per se. You are entitled to believe and worship in anything you please be it one 'God', the rocks, the sun, the moon or that George Bush is an alien from the plan...
by dubai1970
Oct 23, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Love!
Replies: 21
Views: 4943


TEAM LEAD - SQL SERVER DBA Sr. SQL Server DBA Qualification Required: 1. BS degree in Information Technology/Computer Science. 2. A minimum of 7 years or more of hands-on experience with MS SQL Server Database Administration 3. A thorough understanding of relational databases and SQL 4. A thorough u...
by dubai1970
Nov 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Replies: 0
Views: 1208


hhargrave wrote:I am a very new Canadian Muslim Convert. I have been living here for a year and teach in an international school. Feel free to contact me and I will do my best to answer questions.

by dubai1970
Dec 06, 2008
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Female Muslim convert seeks female email buddy
Replies: 4
Views: 3407

boycotting will not take you anywhere

Most of the edible western products mentioned to boycott should in any way not to be used as they are not good for your health. In broader terms, boycotting just about everything from west will not be a wise decision. It is as if you are in the denial mood for all of the scientific achievement done ...
by dubai1970
Jan 14, 2009
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Boycott Israeli Goods
Replies: 84
Views: 11511

Until she becomes you and you become her. "I am You", like uniting twin flame.

To be honest one does not need 12 things to know for a fact, rather when you see her, you have profound peace in your heart.

Kind regard
by dubai1970
Jan 14, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: 12 Ways To Know That You Love Someone
Replies: 14
Views: 3113

Well every one of us have different experiences in lives, many would have fallen in love multiple times and each time they must have felt as if its the true love and then life moves on to another point in time. I presume we are talking about True Love, not the love which a boy says to a girl after e...
by dubai1970
Jan 15, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: how many times???
Replies: 73
Views: 16080

Re: love at first sight.....

Hmmm i think there is nothing to do with ur sight when it comes to real love... if thts the case then Blind ppl dont fall in love???? love is abt to have a person on ur wavelength of frequency,,,,mutual understanding and peace of ur soul... Good point daisy really, never thought that blind people w...
by dubai1970
Jan 15, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: There is no such thing as "Love at First Sight!!!"
Replies: 17
Views: 6387

I heard from a friend of mine that in dubai, girls who lost their virginity go to specialized doctor and have some sort of surgery before their marriages and this is becoming common these days. Hey does any know how can a girl find out if her bf is virgin or not when making love? ;-) Kind Regards
by dubai1970
Jan 15, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: How to Stay a Virgin
Replies: 30
Views: 11794

You know something, prisons are never rehabilitation places, rather they make people who stay there more prune to criminal acts when they get out.

I do not believe in prison system personally, there should not be a prison in the first place.

Kind Regards
by dubai1970
Jan 15, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Suicide in Police Station
Replies: 25
Views: 4681

Its a very good question and the answer is not an easy one. For one, every one will have his/her own understanding of the reason(s) for being on this earth. My opinion is that one must find a reason for being here and when he/she does, should make all efforts to go for it. I have find my reason for ...
by dubai1970
Jan 15, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: reason of our being on earth..
Replies: 5
Views: 1707

Re: I love paulo cohelo's books

Its the most amazing fiction i have came across... self recognition and an insight of human psychology is fantastic. I recently finished "The Zahir" Its abt self revival and new understanding of the nature of love, the power of destiny and fate and following ur heart to ur destined place....
by dubai1970
Jan 15, 2009
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: BOOKS Review & Exchange
Replies: 92
Views: 37130

What arethe most romantic things ever done or experienced?

What are the most romantic things you have ever done or experienced? There are many things that I have done with her, and I wont forget any one of them. One day she woke me up early morning around 5 am (we slept like 3 am) and asked me to go to beach and we went to the beach and watched the sunrise ...
by dubai1970
Jan 16, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: What arethe most romantic things ever done or experienced?
Replies: 5
Views: 2142

You are telling us different versions in your two posts. First you said she is Lebanese chritian. Then later you said local? Local means am emarati muslim? or a lebanese working expat? Then you said she is pregnant and it happened 2 days ago? How can you know in 2 days if she is preg or not? or you ...
by dubai1970
Jan 16, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: one night stand
Replies: 22
Views: 17161

Well i dont know which one is the most romantic but surely sm of them i can share..... like ... I love to dance and he has 2 left feet when it comes to dancing but he danced with me and it was the most touching and lovely moment of my life.....I miss him sooo much...... BHULLA KII JANA MEIN KONN.. ...
by dubai1970
Jan 16, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: What arethe most romantic things ever done or experienced?
Replies: 5
Views: 2142

Re: Whose fault is it ??

Why a Jew can grow his beard in order to practice his faith? But when Muslim does the same, he is an extremist and terrorist?! Why a nun can be covered head to toe in order to devote herself to God... But when Muslimah does the same she 'oppressed' ?! When a western women stays a home to look after...
by dubai1970
Jan 17, 2009
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Whose fault is it ??
Replies: 68
Views: 7965

Re: Whose fault is it ??

For very simple reason, All Muslims are not terrorists but most of the terrorists are Muslims, so airport profiling is based on this fact. And thanks to this, there is no difference left between a terrorist and a freedom fighter. Please do not find faults at others, but only in yourself. This contr...
by dubai1970
Jan 17, 2009
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Whose fault is it ??
Replies: 68
Views: 7965

daisy wrote:
Chocoholic wrote::roll: bored now

Truth is hard to digest... :lol:

Chocoholic has always contributed wisely to the forum. I really like her to say a few words....;-)
by dubai1970
Jan 20, 2009
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Whose fault is it ??
Replies: 68
Views: 7965

Re: chat made me lucky

Yes its true...i met my true love through a simple chat channel and after our few chats we both knew wht we r to each other....... Any one tht lucky? Thats so romantic. I also met my soul mate on a chat channel (IRC) and I believe that one way or another, true love will always find its way to the t...
by dubai1970
Jan 20, 2009
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: chat made me lucky
Replies: 46
Views: 13230

Re: too tired...

everytime when i m going en leave the days before i will find myself too tired and all the time with a headach it s like uhhh the holiday feels to far it s happen with you guys??? is it normal doc ??!:D Last holiday when few days were left, I felt like it was a century before the day I would actual...
by dubai1970
Jan 22, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: too tired...
Replies: 7
Views: 1675

Re: The great misunderstanding between the West and East

I am lucky enough to have lived within a Muslim culture especially a Gulf culture and within a Western culture, and frankly the two are very dear to me. Over the years, I’ve learnt to combine the good things of the two great cultures to form who I’m, and discarded the unpleasant ones. I can relate ...
by dubai1970
Jan 22, 2009
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The great misunderstanding between the West and East
Replies: 68
Views: 7574

some cultural patterns like communication, individualism, collectivism, equality, hierarchy, assertiveness vs interpersonal harmony make it obvious the difference between the East and the West, and understanding those cultural orientations help us to see why people from E&W act the way they do....
by dubai1970
Jan 22, 2009
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The great misunderstanding between the West and East
Replies: 68
Views: 7574

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