dtburakg - Posts

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Im a dentis from Turkey 10 years experienced PhD. (prosthodontist) PhD thesis: All ceramic esthetic materials certificated implant surgery working my clinic and a hospital for general dental pratition and prosthodontic treatments. -how can I find a job in Dubai? -Income per year? -Acoomodation? plea...
by dtburakg
Jun 14, 2008
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Dentist
Replies: 0
Views: 1509

Dentist Salary

Im a dentist ( PhD. prosthodontist ) from Turkey
10 years experienced

how can I work dubai
how is dentists salary per year in dubai?

anyone know these questions answer ??
by dtburakg
Jun 15, 2008
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Dentist Salary
Replies: 0
Views: 2752


Im a 10 years experienced dentist ( PhD. Prosthodontist)
I want to know a dentist how much money earn per year( average)
anyone tell me please

by dtburakg
Aug 02, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: moneyyyyyyyy
Replies: 0
Views: 1546

Salary?? and Price?

Im a 10 years experienced dentist ( PhD. Prosthodontist 3 years) in Turkey.
I want to work in Dubai as a dentist.
But I want to know how is dentists salary in dubai.
how is dental treatment price in Dubai????

by dtburakg
Sep 08, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Salary?? and Price?
Replies: 0
Views: 1218

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