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[size=18]2 Pioneer 800 cdj's MK2 for sale[/size]

In Excellent condition.Hardly used.

Leaving country for a while..want to sell item before that.

[size=24]OFFER OF A LIFETIME....DONT MISS IT!!!!!![/size]

P.S:-Genuine Buyers please contact me at

by djchub
Aug 12, 2007
Forum: For Sale in Dubai
Topic: PIONEER CDJ 800MK2 x 2
Replies: 0
Views: 1414

Hummer any1?


Does any1 on this forum use a hummer? Was planning on buying 1 and would like to know about the maintenance and parts and also petrol consumption details!. Is it really expensive to maintain?

Thanks alot guys!
by djchub
Sep 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Hummer any1?
Replies: 7
Views: 3863

desertdudeshj wrote:H1,2 or 3 ? and what is your intented use. Mall crawler, offroad beast or both.

Hey I was thinking of getting an H3. Well intended use is both but more of a Mall crawler than offroad!!
by djchub
Sep 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Hummer any1?
Replies: 7
Views: 3863

I was actually thinking of buying a used Hummer H3-2007 model. I like the luks mate. Wanna get a second hand 4 x 4 and every other vehicle pajero, prado its all got the same dumb luk. But the Hummers different..thats why iv been thinking of buying the Hummer. But since am buying a second hand one, a...
by djchub
Sep 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Hummer any1?
Replies: 7
Views: 3863

I'v never driven a hummer dude. So thinking of heading over to liberty and asking them for a test drive!I dont know why, but for some reason the hummers just caught my eye. I really need a test drive, mayb then i can decide for myself. Dude thanx alot for the offer but 2004 is kinda risky is it not?...
by djchub
Sep 08, 2009
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Hummer any1?
Replies: 7
Views: 3863

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