dg8058 - Posts

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job wanted for 16 year old boy

hello my name is Dylan Gray I have lived in Dubai for 2 years now and been studying at DESC. I am currently in year 10 but this will be my last year I am looking for a job, I am flexible with the hours I work. I would most like a job in carpentry or engineering. I am a real quick and hands on learne...
by dg8058
Jun 03, 2013
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: job wanted for 16 year old boy
Replies: 0
Views: 1717

job wanted for 16 year old boy

hello my name is Dylan Gray I have lived in Dubai for 2 years now and been studying at DESC. I am currently in year 10 but this will be my last year I am looking for any kind of job, I am flexible with the hours I work. I would most like a job in carpentry or engineering. Email me at (dg8058@abbey.k...
by dg8058
Jun 03, 2013
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: job wanted for 16 year old boy
Replies: 3
Views: 2875

tortoise adoption

I have a really big green garden, I am looking to fill it with tortoises that really need a home. happy to adopted most tortoises at ant size.
please email me at dg8058@abbey.kent.sch.uk
by dg8058
Jun 03, 2013
Forum: For Sale in Dubai
Topic: tortoise adoption
Replies: 0
Views: 1376

Re: Job Wanted For 16 Year Old Boy

i am 16, all i need is a special permit
by dg8058
Jun 09, 2013
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: job wanted for 16 year old boy
Replies: 3
Views: 2875

pocket bike/mini moto

where can I get a pocket bike or mini moto in Dubai, I would prefer an electric star one
by dg8058
Jun 14, 2013
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: pocket bike/mini moto
Replies: 0
Views: 2001

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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