I called my bud, after the intial 1700 quote I got I really wasn't listening. So I called backed Ok so this is the deal now. Feb 11 Southern China Airlines via somecity in China ( Ghanzou ? ) overnight stay, next day connection to Dubai ! Singapore airlines on 11 Feb 50 dhs more via Singapore ( Say ...
Talking about...I think this is a song written brilliantly, and its not some mushy love song. Fits like a glove to the soundtrack it was associated with
On second thoughts, let it roll. You want to instigate more mudfests by all means. Lets not have any complains and PM's by anyone later then that they are getting tired of all this "bickering" DF is getting driven into the ground and/or people need to take a chill pill blah blah blah. This...
LOOL ! I was fully expecting to see someone with a shawerma and a pepsi taped to his head, specially after the samoons ( hot dog buns ) and what looks like a kebab
Haven't done this in a long time so its a bit old info. Terminal 2 Arrivals to your right beneath/behind the escalators there is a small window where one should deposit the visa's for incomming passengers. And when you arrive ask someone where to collect the visit visa's. Since the redesign of the n...
Nothing get done over the phone right here and nothing has solidified this with my ongoing red tape wars. Now if I want to know something I just drive down to where ever it is and ask atleast a couple of peole a couple of times as to exactly what the deal is, nothing names as I go along. Just in cas...
I've been blessed with many friends and would be unfair to single out one over the other. But If I were to choose the longest friendship and I guess the "best" I have is with a dude I met when I was just 4 and both us of still live here. When we were small our mums would always make noise ...
After having spend a decade in the tourisn industry which equals to a live belly dance show almost everynight of the year. I've grown extremely tired and bored of it. Many a times I will be just ignoring and eating dinner while some of mates will be gawking and saying dude " oh check this out, ...
I dunno I've heard/read simalr sentiments for many family victims. I guess they are not the forgiving type also given the relative "freshness" of the crime. I guess if it was a long drawn out process maybe the family would have come to terms with it by then, but seeing it happened less tha...
I am have the same question whenever this Obama is a muslim thing is brought up, not saying he is but what if he was ? So what ? Also is it impossible to think that one day a muslim could be president. Obama, a black man became the president. Something unthinkiable just a few years back specially in...
Yes GN confirms it. Here is the picture of the killer http://gulfnews.com/polopoly_fs/al-rashidi-during-a-hearing-at-the-court-of-first-instance-1.638183!image/1510744880.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_475/1510744880.jpg Anyone find the western looking fellow on the left a bit odd ? He's wearning a uniform...
Like I said I think the best option is to have the Mrs go down to the Airport anytime before you arrive and just drop and pay the Marhaba people. In theory you should have no problems with this.
Since there has been so much talk of sin and sinning in the religion forum, this would be the perfect app to keep track of all your sins. Specially for those who are overtly worried about it !