A little personal insight, as some of you might remember or know I have a close friend of western origin who currently works way up high at the best local uni here,. He started off as a professor more than 10 years back in that same institution and now has worked his way up now. Anywhoo, one of the ...
LOL I think @$$ crack comment went over Mr Imrans head. Sometimes I wonder if these types of soothsayers can predict so much, should not they be billionaires from making such predictions instead of spamming forums for peanuts ?
Thanks Sage, one of the reason I went into such excruciating detail was that I've seen in many forums people looking for such info. Before I went ahead I tried to google it to see if I could get any info but all I came across were questions with no answers. If you google Sharjah police clearance cer...
I guess today would have been the weather, I like anything out of the ordinary here i.e sunshine with empty skies, gets boring after a while. So the wind and the sands storm was nice while it lasted but now its back to boring sun and blue skies :? Other one would be, I was thinking of washing big re...
Paper marriages have been going on since ages in many countries across the world. Nothing new. And don't under estimate giglos, its a growing industry :) If women can legalize it why not men 8) Now how many men would not like to get paid for what they spend thinking about most of their time awake an...
I still smypathise with anyone who has to go through getting a drivers license from scratch ! A friends wife recently got hers, 6 months later and six grand in the hole she finally got it. Getting any paperwork done here is real chore and there is lots of it, most people are shielded from the worst ...
It's an idea that I have been tossing around for a while, I will be traveling on Sunday and away for a month, I will be on every day but not in Dubai. When I get back I will be in touch and maybe we can organise something. Awesome stuff, I'll get the Hommous ! Can't have BBQ without hommous. Infact...
Krap ! , So i've heard, Getting a license is a real pain in the @$$ , I only expect the worst !! http://s.lowyat.net/style_emoticons/default/vmad.gif http://s.lowyat.net/style_emoticons/default/vmad.gif http://s.lowyat.net/style_emoticons/default/vmad.gif Good times ahead mate :blackeye:
Dubai PCC was a breeze as I knew exactly where to go, the HQ past Mullah Plaza. Gave a pic and PP copy asked me why ? I need it for work. OK . Got printed paid the 110 dhs and told to come back after a week. Collecting it was the PITA bit. When you go there is a door with a huge sign behind which sa...
Al Jazeera has some good live coverage on the situation. Currently everything has stopped as the protesters performing maghrib prayers on the street, with riot police just feet away !
Army got involved :( cairo, Alexandria, suez, under siege from 6 pm to 7 am.. and i think this action means the army is protecting the government and not the people which might lead to a blood batch :( I hope nothing happens but also hope that the momentum is not lost as everything that has happene...