Once again not trivialising the situation and in full agreement that pervs need to get the short end of the stick. But out of an Asian population of 2.85 million as per dillion's stats there have been 53 Asians convicted over a span of over 13 years. And its all of a sudden Pakistani problem and as ...
So please fill us in where else did you get those stats of 56 or something like that men being convicted since 1997 if it wasn't from the dailymail, tribune etc etc ?
berrin, you asked me that yesterday, I thought I replied that I thought the Emiratis had it about right. Come and live in my country and contribute to society but if it was up to me their would be no citizenship. So I guess its safe to assume to can trace back your ancestors to begining of civilisa...
Yes I know habibi currently they don't, but at the time the nation was formed most did. But in anycase for the sake of argument, how bout that ones that do go back to Europe and their respective countries and the Americans, Canadians, Australians and almost all of Britian go back to their respectiev...
Wiki tells me he is a British MP, Cambridge educated solicitor who was born to Indian parents in Aden, Yemen before coming to the UK at the age of 9. You really don't pay any attention now, do you shaf :wink: Our dear BM says he shouldn't even be British, just like you ! Let alone a MP or have any ...
Like I said shaf. If you ain't white................
desertdudeshj wrote:Our dear BM says he shouldn't even be British, just like you ! Let alone a MP or have any say in any matter other than if he has already booked his ticket to Aden or Mumbai.
FD you must have really trawled the forum to come up with that one mate. A (not so)clever attempt to spin it too. By leaving out the smileys or the little warning he got for it earlier on
LOL English !? With all due respect to all fellow British forumers why would I want to be English, live in England or want a British passport ? or have you ever heard me make such comments ? And when and where have you heard me deny my culture or my identity, infact I am very proud to be who I am an...
Ah I see your still confused between the words, nationality, culture and identity. Just like a person can be British and still be proud of his Arab/Asian/African culture and roots...oh wait but they are not white so according to you they can't be British. And btw according to that (your) logic I can...
Anyone following it ? Abdulla Al Heraiz sitting 3rd in his class T2 http://www.dakar.com/dakar/2011/us/stage-6/rankings/overall-t2-cars-page-1.html#ancre Bravo and specially for a first time entrant with no sponsors other than himself. Lets hope he doesn't push himself and the Prado too much. As jus...
I personally think the speed bumps are a good thing in this country otherwise you'd have nuts trying to recreate scenes from tokoyo drift in the parking. As for your steering rack either it was your fault trying to going over them at more than were intented or just the usual shoddy BMW workmanship. ...
LOL ! A little off topic I did this in another forum ,about the story of human shields in Egypt. One had the orginal title and one an incendiary anti muslim one. For two days the two threads ran. One orginal title thread has just 20 views and one acidic Herve-ish remark like the thread here and anot...
Ahh yes the paking itself isn't that bad in MOE but after getting out and going in the desired direction is another challenge altoghter. I always end up going the wrong way ! LOL
And a Z3 man.....come on Dawg. One of the worst things ever made by BMW.
I'm with shaf on this one, every little bit helps and that the only solution in the current climate is to win the battle of hearts and minds. It is surprisng how many people are not fimilar with the situation after decades of propaganda being fed to them hence the blind support for Israel.
Condemnation...wait lemme go back and re-read the thread Nope ! nothing there, hence I have to unfortufortunately come to the conclusion. 1. All American young males are terrorists 2. No one has condemned spoken out against this hence they full support these actions Ok. enough of that non sense. Ver...
Maybe your not fimilar with the process. If the ( majority of the ) people are against it, it eventually trickles down through democratic process to the policy and law makers. A govt cannot tag a line which is against the majority opinion, for too long atleast. For example Canada recently having los...
That is the whole point now, isn't it. Although many will debate endlessly to what you have just stated you'd be surprised how little people know about the situation. Most only know what they have heard. Somewhat like you hear in these forums i.e somewhat along the lines Israel is only defending its...
I think the sad irony of this has passed over many heads. That when something like a robbery takes place. The headlines will read "Muslim man robs 7/11" as if him being a muslim had anything to do with it ?
Intresting, how many people have come riding down on bicycles knocking on your door asking you to convert ! You just see it as in your face because everytime you see a brown person you see a muslim and because he's brown and stands out in the crowd to you, he's shoving his religon in your face and t...
Yes EH all 1.5 billion of us are doing exactly just that ! How did you know, are you one of us :shock: I just went through my email contacts that I have of each and every muslim alive today, which we use to communicate and plot for a secret Jihad against the great infidel. Didn't happen to see your ...
http://www.trust.org/alertnet/news/us-soldier-to-face-court-martial-in-afghan-killings/ Wonder how many of these incidents go unreported or uninvestigated, seems this came to light only after one of them blew the whistle. How many of these play station generation out there thinking its just a video ...