Oh now thats another whole new round of squirrels now isn't it. Trying to get those court dirhmans. Just because it says you can have it. Doesn't mean the offending party will hand them over nicely.
Or maybe just easier to blame men for anything and everything without having to take zero resposibilty ? Just like the blacks of America of yonder years. If they just kept quite and kept taking the schtick the white man was handing them you think'd there would be a civil rights movements or the whit...
So there is an inequality abiet a physical one and the one that holds power is the one who has money, so if there was a Nuclear fall out would it return to being a mans world just because of these physical inequalities ? Your question is flawed! what do you mean if there is a nuclear fall? What is ...
Thanks Mel and yes I never said the question was factual at all, pretty obvious it was a hypothetical one. But I am still looking into the core of the issue as to why it became a mans world in the first place. The physical inequalities you stated can answer the balance of power in primitive societie...
Excellent post Joe, that was one of the issues I was going to get to later. Too much of a good thing can also be bad. Just like militant athiests like Hitchens are not helping "the cause" at all, too much in your face femminism has the reverse effect. When certain groups or individual keep...
Personally I think women hold all the cards - without women the miracle of life is impossible. Not being impervious here joe, but do you think women on their own could reproduce. At the end of the day men have the ignition key to the reproduction motor. :mrgreen: And yes thats an interesting point ...
Company license is in your name and they fired you ! Dude the ball is in your court in every sense of the way. Legally they cannot stop the "owner" of the company from steeping into his own premises infact vice versa. You can have all their visa's cancelled or shut down the company if you ...
DDS - it definitely takes 2 to tango but assuming that sperm is available women can create babies. Men on the other hand would need more equipment. My comment wasn't meant to state that men are useless and god created two kinds of humans to make the cycle work but I think women play a bigger part i...
Condemnable to the highest degree without a doubt and justice was served according to British law in the two cases mentioned in the article. Although not downplaying or trivialisng the situation by any means but this seems like nothing but a matter trying to create a preception than dealing with the...
Well if one was born into the BNP that would be case but when one consciously chooses to vote for a party then one would assume they follow or at the very least agree with their ideology. Also the argument that the lack of choice for a better alternative does not hold any water. To get rid of one ev...
So, when a hamas leader says something he should not have said it is a snippet, and when they say something they should say it is the truth. You are the one trying to spin around facts and truth, do you actually beleive you convince anyone? It is all too obvious that you are siding with hamas, a te...
Since you wish to continue offtopic, stances on certain issues have to be taken into consideration of the poster posting a topic. Just like the grand dragon of the KKK does not make a good guest speaker at a black civil rights rally, or majority of us don't take anything into serious consideration w...
As for Jack Straw, he has no power in Britain any more so what he is expressing is his own personal opinion to which he is entitled under our free speech laws. Expressing his personal opinion, thats right. So its not a given a fact, as the title header of this thread would have us believe. So basic...
Are you suggesting a bunch of brown guys sit around outside hospitals and physciatrist clinics waiting for the next "easy meat" to come by or they send out somekind of questionaire to asses ones vulnerability before they decide to move in. I know a few white guys married to brown girls, wo...
why would Pakistani parents want their kids to be anything but Pakistani? How many generations have to pass before you call yourself the citizen of "a country" you are born and living in? No actually that wouldn't be true to according to the posters logic, they would be Indian. Oh no wait...
God damn BM ! Why didn't you tell me I was working on your wrong end ! Don't blame me both ends splurt out the same stuff so it was easy to get confused ! LOL