Hmmm...makes you wonder if this isn't the actual software she actually uses ? Now one for Bob and Ann and they can retire and let these do thier "jobs"
Argh ! NOOOOOOO, Am I suppose to curl up and die of jealousy now ? Just let me know the appropriate response that you were looking to satifisfy your ego, and I'll gladly oblige ;) If anyone kisses the right behinds and grease the right palms you get it or if you have "bussiness partners" i...
Ambassador you better hire that Offendatorologist pretty soon bud, cause I think I'm suppose to be seriously offended, although I don't feel offended, should I ? Maybe thats whats wrong with me, a severe offendicium deficiency ! :cry: And while your at it how bout you open a PMS-anitarium aswell. If...
Oh no BMs, I'm having good fun read above post. I just give out as much as the other can take without running off into a corner to cry. Ask your new BFF I've the uncanny ability to run people off the forum If I really wanted to. 8)-- Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:19 pm -- :sad2: Sorry there wasn't a smiley of ...
Oh ! DJ Kid eh ? Double deck player were the awesomest for those. I remember " downloading " all the new songs from Caseys Top 40 and FM 92's simultaneous broadcast of Simon Potters Chart Attack/Music box on Ch 33. Ah ! the good old days And anyways you could anything on tape for 5 dhs on ...
Nope no cyclist here, other than a few devout fans and a some forced to use them. Try cycling in 50+ C temps. Plus city and roads not at all cyclist friendly and don't expect A few cycling clubs do exist though. And once in a blue moon when one is travelling outside the city a bunch of cyclists with...
They should have just stuck to the first couple of paragraphs and maybe just two examples at best. After than the article just keeps on droning and loses what ever impact it made and makes for a long boring and horrible read. But it does show its getting under the skin of Rob, which I think is a goo...
Good discussion also takes places, when you stop cut and pasting long preachy articles( i.e : spamming ) which on your three years on this forum you should realise by now no one really reads or discusses for that matter. That should atleast be an indication as to people are really not intrested in w...