OH.......MY...........GOD ! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I think I just relived my entire life and a little more ! KID thank you, bestestmost awesomest post ever by you. Two thumbs up mate 8) Dixi cola LOOOL. I loved that sh!t anyone remember Double cola ? Ch 33 my god ! News at 10 Richar...
Bora, don't be silly! The topic is poster's age, even though the ambassador has his apostrpohe in the wrong spot . I don't think he has any other excuse other than he didn't pay attention at school. I think it unfair that Drew can't participate and I have to admit I hadn't realised I was flirting w...
An unbaised opinion is from someone who has lived here all his life and see all aspects and corner of this country and its society from all angles. A biased opinion is from someone who just vists occasionaly and stays in a glitzy tower in an isolated and what was supposed to be the posh part of town.
An unbaised opinion is from someone who has lived here all his life and see all aspects and corner of this country and its society from all angles. A biased opinion is from someone who just vists occasionaly and stays in a glitzy tower in an isolated and what was supposed to be the posh part of tow...
Really ? I was under the impression they were being given away as part of the incentive package. I could be wrong ? Anyways the US does give around 3 billion in aid annually to Israel so I guess the American tax payer would at the end of the day footing the bill for those in anycase free or otherwis...
I recently heard or read somewhere from a high ranking military official. That during the cold war days Israel was a strategic ally but nowadays its a strategic burden. ( sorry can't recall who or where ) Personally I've never read anywhere that the US aid to Israel is conditional in any way. And wo...
Retired after 50?????????????????? everyone knows I am soon to be 90 and still working full time, poll needs to be adjusted. Approaching 90 ! Mashallah and God bless. I think Sagey will continue working until his old ticker stops working!! Cause of death will read: Old Age!!! But I think we’ll all ...
Well it has been like this for a quite a while now with very minimal intervention other than the few threads going to FC. I personally had no problem with it and I don't think many did either. But then someone went about asking for it in a quest for a better change and then did like it when change w...
What is wrong with you people, what is the point of mucking up a post which there is just to wish everyone and relay greetings. Jeez can't keep a cap on it for a day even. Sheesh
We had one of those motorised antennas and we couldn't wait for the summer to come as it was the only time we could get Aramco 2 I think it was called. Ah the good old days. Now I have almost a 1000 24 hr channels and maybe around 5 actually watchable. Hated wimbeldon and horse racing season though ...
Commie 64 !! My god, that was the ultimate in hightech after having used the ZX Spectrum for ages. Anybody knew what happered to that 3 wheeled bike Sincliar came up with ?
P.S : Keep the 64 for a few more years, I heard good units are already going for a pretty penny now