A word of advice newbie, before you start digging out even more threads from the grave. Just check the date the original post was made on. In this case April 27.
DD, you crack me up :) I was sick of seeing used plastic water bottles strewn all over Dubai (and plastic bags). People should be traveling with their own reusable metal or BPA-free plastic drink bottles that they fill themselves. Far better for the environment. NOO ! We hike gas prices up and that...
I won't say fluently but I speak it well enough, maybe 60 to 70% but have the accent dead on. I've had many Locals and Arab ask me where I'm from and have complimented me on my Arabic skills So I guess its good enough.
BUT formal language, I don't get much of. And can't read very well either.
Amny people said its the Iraqi acent which is nuetral, but I dunno for sure, but I do know whats on the other end of the spectrum. Egyptian, Its terrible. specially mixing the G with the J. Morrocan has a lot of french mixed in with it. Like kitchen they call cuisienah derived obviouslly from the cu...
I was also looking at the cuff, it seems to be another photo, this is actually quite amazing that someone would actually do this and publish it. And you have to be blind in three eyes to actually believe it, btw whats the point of such poor cutn pastes jobs ? -- Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:33 pm -- BTW dud...
Islam is backward in its current state. :wink: So sad, they are indoctrinated by an ideology that is inherently backwards.: 2. Islam is the youngest one and remains in the Middle Ages. I keep repeating that, cause it uses a backward learning curve IMO. If it tried a forward learning curve, I might ...
I didn't watch the video, I don't take any notice of propaganda, I form my own opinions. I have a lot of time for the Israelis. The Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years. I'm afraid we will have to disagree on this one, In my experience you will never get an unbiased opinion from a Musli...
No sympathies here, just because he is a minor celeberity down under. He would be in the slammer for drunk driving in any country including his own if he was over the limit. Just that over here the limit happens to be ZERO and for all the crap goes on in this place. This is one law I fully support a...
Its hard but not that hard, once you grasp basic knwolege of how the grammar works. I have no formal traning in the language. The compulsory classes we recieved in junior school were were totally useless. Just picked it up by observing the language. It does help a bit knowing spoken Urdu though as i...
I'm not Arab :oops: sorry must have missed where you stated that you speak Arabic. It is just that everyone - who does not speak Arabic - keeps posting how it is "different" (yet without speaking the language one would not know). Every language is difficult (so is calculus)... (am joining...
"THEM" means one who can find no fault with with Israel no matter what the evidence says, but would rather believe the spin. And your last two posts show it aswell. Like I said for me its not a religious issue at all, rather a humanitarian issue, the land grab and all is an Israeli Arab po...
I would agree with Mahmoud aswell as the study. The door swings both way. I was the absolute last one to hook up in my friends and saw this happen one by one. I'm not saying its a bad thing and then you've got to understand that for most if not all, family comes before friends. But I did have a few ...
So one set of rules and logic applied to one = Fanatic Same set of rules and logic applied to other = Critic. Another one of your tricks, when called upon and made to look like a fool, claim to be playing the devils advocate to save face. I actual agree with BM on that one, I can't stand people like...
Get a life mate. My post in repsonse to BM wasn't directed towards you, it was in general. Contary to your belief my life does not revolve around you. But since your desperate about my opinion about you, the here go. Yes your a critic and a very strong one at that about Islam, but really don't know ...
Here is a view from the other side of the border. Maybe this will help you put it into perspective a bit. Its not propaganda, no hard hitting voice overs or thundering score. Just plain footage. http://www.gaza-strophe.com/eng/index.htm You have an unusual perception of what is and isn’t propaganda...
Most of the Arabic you will hear here is laced with 'Yanni's and 'Tayyeb's' along with a smattering of French and English. Never try and learn from a Lebanese! :roll: :roll: :roll: Knight +1 seems like you speak from experience. :D On a side note, I've been almost 34 years now and have yet to see a...
No man, all the streets and buildings are well numbered. Never have had anyone any problems in finding my place. Much better than Ok you see the blue building on the right, ok now go down 500 mtrs take a U turn, first right, then trun left at the laundry. Drive down for a minute on the dirt track an...