event horizon wrote:debating loons and that he sees the futility of doing this.
There modified it a little, to suit the situation, maybe you BOTH should learn something from this. Its been a year now. Seriously people give it up.
event horizon wrote:debating loons and that he sees the futility of doing this.
Chocoholic wrote:First off - could you please rewrite this in ENGLISH! Not stupid text speak.
Pffff kids these days.
flutterbye wrote:yea dk, my dad wants me to come back to dubai as he says dubai have far superior hospitals and docs. Where im from we have 1 specialist doc to cater to 20,000 people so i suppose its a no brainer
Chocoholic wrote:And before anyone asks, no I haven't had it done. I'm ample enough and they haven't moved since I was 18!
Flying Dutchman wrote:Gaza has the 6th highest growth rate in the world...
kanelli wrote:If a woman is feeling pressured by society, boyfriends, or husband to change her natural breasts, she needs to consider if the problem is really with them or with her breasts.