Yes true, I've heard old people from my folks villages deep in rural heartland of pakistan talking about this. I never really paid any attention to it then and thought it was just on of those crazy tales. I've also heard my folks relating similar stories of people they know. Personally I dont know a...
This is the most awesomest thing I've ever seen, specially me being a drummer n all. Give the video about two minutes and see the dude ( steve moore ) go ape sh!t on that kit. If ever there was a human version of animal from the puppets THIS WOULD BE IT ! Amazing how he never looses a sticks, miss a...
Although I canºt exactly make out who the poor soul is on the recieving end of this but I would love to see the fanbois defend this one and what great scenario they can conjure up to justify this.
I with DK on this. Just tell me when and where. I only wish Richard "The Iceman " Kuklinski was still out. I think he was the only person who could get rid of this parasite. Ah the joys of being living in a desert 8) You do know that officially its supposed to be declared a holiday if the temps hit over 50 C. That's why the official temp always hovers at 49 C and never crosses 50 C. The Govt thermometers end ...
Yeah I know the official method of taking the temp, but come on man. meteorologists (people who study and try to predict weather) put their thermometer in a "box" that has baffles so that air can circulate freely, but blocks any wind, which also can affect the temperature reading of the th...
flutterbye wrote:Came home for a while last week and while there decided to get hypnotised to stop smoking, I was a bit skeptical about it but it actually worked haven't touched a cigerette in two weeks. Anybody else ever been hypnotised(
Berrin you have to nut sack or was that case to support the Iranian govt. Yes the people are resilient but are in the mess because of their govt. It has potential to be a major player in the region and world but yet the govt isolates itself.
Guess what berrin, I didn't read any of that sh!t, save for the the first line, when like all loosers you opened with that everything wrong with you/world/country/region is because of the west. Shut up, stand up and take responsibilty for your own mess and stop blaming the steaming pile of sh!t your...
You should learn how to present your own point of view in your own words instead of these humongous boring cut and pastes, which like I said, nobody reads
Have a listen to this specially the interview between Mustafa Baguti Palestinian MP and Israeli Political correspondent for the Jurusalem Post Gill Hauffman at 5.20. It is concerning to say the least about the indifferent attitude of hauffma...
That's good advice from bonk. Also try to park it in a covered parking or atleast cover it up. And just disconnect the negative terminal on the battery and that is more than sufficient.
Well according to the Israelis you should, they have and are playing that guilt card for over 50 years now and somehow the entire western world seems to oblige to it, its turning into the original sin of the west Any criticism of Israel is instantly labeled anti semetic. Germany still pays for 2/3rd...