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Am I dreaming? or is 4.7% rtrn monthly a reality?

Folks I stumbled upon this site. They claim to have a office in Texas
1270 Champion Circle, Carrollton, TX ,75006
Any one near by can check them out. Thanks.
liquiditygiants dotcom
by desean
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Am I dreaming? or is 4.7% rtrn monthly a reality?
Replies: 4
Views: 1731

Re: Am I dreaming? or is 4.7% rtrn monthly a reality?

Well to be quite honest, I did stop by LGs other location but that was their dublin office, in the middle of last month or so. The funny thing is, and you wouldn't believe one of their reps actually had the nerve to ask me if I'm sure I dont want to hold off on increasing my portfo-size because of m...
by desean
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Am I dreaming? or is 4.7% rtrn monthly a reality?
Replies: 4
Views: 1731

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