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Labor Case, Please advise

Dear Friends, I have done labour case against my company this year. the reason was, they were not paying my commissions on time, and then later they refuse to pay most of it. I know this might be a case with loads of people in dubai. but well it depends who can take it or who avoids it. I am the one...
by dannydxb
Dec 24, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Labor Case, Please advise
Replies: 8
Views: 6383

Re: Labor Case, Please Advise

Chocoholic ,

Thanks for your reply, I was hoping to get some storng lead as in anyone who's done similar case, to follow what would be next.

I m not in hurry, But when nothing happens month in month out, once a month u go to court and they give u another date, seems no action is happening ..
by dannydxb
Dec 24, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Labor Case, Please advise
Replies: 8
Views: 6383

Re: Labor Case, Please Advise

MeronZG , thanks dear, I am looking now a reasonable lawer, if we can agree on the % after the case finishes, will be best for me. If not this case very nominal charges if he takes i would try to lock in. Expert has already suggested that I should get half of my claim, at least I should get some mo...
by dannydxb
Dec 30, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Labor Case, Please advise
Replies: 8
Views: 6383

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