dale12rtrade - Posts

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Re: Willing To Invest In Dubai Business

zunain ,i work in trading and investing in london at onetwo trade.. we work in gaining client huge returns on their investments returns of 70-85% on succesful trades..get in contact with me if interested dale@onetwotrade.com
by dale12rtrade
Mar 24, 2014
Forum: Investors Looking for Businesses
Topic: Willing to invest in dubai business
Replies: 45
Views: 15393

Re: Genuine Investor Looking To Invest In Business

anyone interested in trading and making money and high returns contact me on dale@onetwotrade.com .i work in london and am looking to expand my portfolio of succesfull clients.. i ask for at least a initial investment of £1000 but that has a return rate of 70-85 % if trades are succesfull
by dale12rtrade
Mar 24, 2014
Forum: Investors Looking for Businesses
Topic: Genuine Investor looking to invest in business
Replies: 40
Views: 15054

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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