cutiecez - Posts

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Looking for job in Dubai..

Hi! I'm a newbie in this board. I would like to ask for anybody's assistant here on how to get a job in Dubai. Right now, I'm working in seoul korea as an Administrative Clerk in an Architecture and Engineer Consultant working for the US military base. Can somebody help or give me any suggestion on ...
by cutiecez
Sep 08, 2003
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Looking for job in Dubai..
Replies: 2
Views: 4610

Getting a job in Dubai...

Hi Iris, How are you? I'm Cecille.. I'm just'd mentioned that we can get a residence visa in dubai if we have relatives.. I have a sister living in Al-ain..what is my chance of getting in dubai? do you think if I get there I can find a job? and what about if I get there as a tourist? is...
by cutiecez
Sep 08, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I love Dubai
Replies: 8
Views: 5950

Looking for Job In Dubai

NO SHIT! lol...hmmm...I'm hoping for miracle..
by cutiecez
Oct 20, 2003
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Looking for job in Dubai..
Replies: 2
Views: 4610

Looking for General Office Work in Dubai!

Hi there...I'm a Filipina 27 yrs. Old and I'm looking for a General Office Work in Dubai..I have an extensive experienced in administrative job and I have an excellent customer service skills.. Below is my CV for further consideration. Thank you.. Objective: Seeking a position as an Administrative C...
by cutiecez
Oct 20, 2003
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Looking for General Office Work in Dubai!
Replies: 0
Views: 2852

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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