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hey doll check this one out...

you know what they say, it takes all kind :roll:
by coolcisum
Jan 24, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: And I thought I was BORED!!!
Replies: 25
Views: 3568

Talented life, tragic ending... me thinks
by coolcisum
Jan 24, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Breaking News on CCN at 7am
Replies: 17
Views: 2267

How many times have you seen an ugly older guy with a gorgeous younger woman? Nothing to do with energy...all to do with the size of his wallet! Examples: 1. Donald Trump 2. Bernie Ecclestone 3. Rod Stewart 4. Me (nothing to do with the wallet!) 8) 8) 8) Knight I want a man who's kind and understan...
by coolcisum
Jan 24, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Ask a question!
Replies: 647
Views: 57541

won't do any gud, everyone (read guys) tend to go to the second base after the first date...
by coolcisum
Jan 24, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: And I thought I was BORED!!!
Replies: 25
Views: 3568

its something we already crossed in the first few post darling :wink:
by coolcisum
Jan 24, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: And I thought I was BORED!!!
Replies: 25
Views: 3568

posts definitely, as dates are getting to be extinct rituals...
by coolcisum
Jan 24, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: And I thought I was BORED!!!
Replies: 25
Views: 3568

I think its a bad idea (oh well, maybe good for some) in or out of your own religion. It all depend on your tolerance level !!!
by coolcisum
Feb 06, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Marrying within your own religion
Replies: 39
Views: 12001

The "V" Day is here !!!

So, who is bored already with the red and pink mush :roll:
by coolcisum
Feb 14, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: The "V" Day is here !!!
Replies: 19
Views: 5365

maybe this will help

(puls i am starting my 20 newbie reply count before i post my topic)
by coolcisum
Feb 14, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Sad to read story like this ...
Replies: 19
Views: 8319

I hope you reread your reply my friend, i got dizzy just thinking of "doing 4" part, and you find it boring :lol:


ok i bite, what 4 things?
by coolcisum
Feb 14, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: The "V" Day is here !!!
Replies: 19
Views: 5365

Tsk tsk SL,

haven't you heard reviewer say thousands of time DF stands for Dubai Forums not DATING FORUMS :D

anyways, i don't understand the compulsion to do "something" on this day, its just a day like any other day...
by coolcisum
Feb 14, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: The "V" Day is here !!!
Replies: 19
Views: 5365

I am confused, is the thread still about Hassan finding native speaker pal (sorry, hassan can't help you there)

but its about learning a new language, count me in, i will learn any non-english language which is "not that difficult"
by coolcisum
Feb 14, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: chatting in English !!
Replies: 18
Views: 5653

by coolcisum
Apr 15, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Europe and Italy .. funny stuff
Replies: 2
Views: 1315

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