comrade1 - Posts

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Senior Software Engineer Looking for Consulting Gigs

I'm an American Senior Software Engineer with 10+ years experience in writing large multi-tiered database-driven web applications. My experiences range from running a large team of developers to small one-person projects. I've written large projects in Java (various technologies), Objective-C, Ruby ...
by comrade1
Jul 24, 2008
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Senior Software Engineer Looking for Consulting Gigs
Replies: 1
Views: 2398

If it's not clear in my posting

I'm looking for work in Dubai, not remote development. I'm very experienced with remote development, but also experienced enough to know that the best work is done face-to-face with the client.
by comrade1
Jul 24, 2008
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Senior Software Engineer Looking for Consulting Gigs
Replies: 1
Views: 2398

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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