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Swirl marks on paintwork keep coming back!

heres something that everyone is familiar with, Ive seen some really nice cars out there with some severe swirls marks in the paint including mine! its a complete turn off when i see cars like this especially black cars, they literally look neglected and awful.... who can explain to me how swirl mar...
by combustion
Jan 27, 2013
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Swirl marks on paintwork keep coming back!
Replies: 3
Views: 2990

Re: Swirl Marks On Paintwork Keep Coming Back!

I just want to put this cool guys name out there, he goes by the name Jonathan Heinsen hes originally from Miami Florida, you can find him on facebook and instagram: 8chino8 to see some of his work. This guy is like a God in the detailing and polish paint correction world. he can do alot. According ...
by combustion
Jan 31, 2013
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Swirl marks on paintwork keep coming back!
Replies: 3
Views: 2990

American Polisher in Dubai, a local celebrity, highly recom

I just want to put this cool guys name out there, he goes by the name Jonathan Heinsen hes originally from Miami Florida, you can find him on facebook and instagram: 8chino8 to see some of his work. This guy is like a God in the detailing and polish paint correction world. he can do alot. According ...
by combustion
Mar 11, 2014
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: American Polisher in Dubai, a local celebrity, highly recom
Replies: 1
Views: 1192

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