^ian^ wrote:gtmash wrote:chevaliers-de-sion wrote:Get real with out US they would be nothing... idiot
Who would be nothing?
Idiot American soldiers driving around in a humvee.
Bleakus wrote:tha day a humvee hits me in the back for me to move, is the day the driver gets his a$$ kicked
sasn wrote:i like both,
but i like the arab colthing, its so sexy it truns me on
Sara1983 wrote:but a big but the arab ones have big noses
Sara1983 wrote:chevaliers-de-sion wrote:Sara1983 wrote:but a big but the arab ones have big noses
whats your problem with the truth ?
myy problem with the truth huh, dude you're such an a$s.. I rather not start a retarded conversation & become retarded like you
howcomewechange wrote:So Arab girls win ?! I guess.. Because only Arab women give birth to real men.