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Looking for individuals who have Showtime Channel

Hi, My company in Singapore handles commercial auditing for sports programs like UEFA Champion League and Euro. Currently, we have a project on hand which needs English Premier League competitions broadcasted on Showtime Channel. The job is to record these sports matches which we require and send it...
by carrie21
Aug 29, 2008
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Looking for individuals who have Showtime Channel
Replies: 0
Views: 1076

part time job


we are looking for people who are able to receive Al Jazeera channel at their home.

drop me a message or email me at for more details.

by carrie21
May 14, 2009
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: part time job
Replies: 2
Views: 2411

Hi, I am interested in this job, kindly let me know the full details as soon as possible. Thanks and Regards, Krishnachandran. hi Krishnachandran, thanks for your interest. The job scope is to record sports programs according to the tv schedules and then send us the recordings via Fedex. These prog...
by carrie21
May 20, 2009
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: part time job
Replies: 2
Views: 2411

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