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Jumping a Traffic Signal

Hi dear all, Started my day with a hiccup, got distracted close to Century Mall traffic signal in Deira and by the time I approached signal it turned red and it was too late to stop behind the fat stop line. I did stop but I had crossed the line by a yard or two and got camera flash with literally n...
by capri765
Nov 20, 2013
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Jumping a Traffic Signal
Replies: 0
Views: 1777

Jumping a Traffic Signal

Hi dear all, Started my day with a hiccup, got distracted close to Century Mall traffic signal in Deira and by the time I approached signal it turned red and it was too late to stop behind the fat stop line. I did stop but I had crossed the line by a yard or two and got camera flash with literally n...
by capri765
Nov 22, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Jumping a Traffic Signal
Replies: 5
Views: 4153

Re: Jumping A Traffic Signal

Thanks BudW for your kind feedback. I've just checked again Dubai Police website and no fine appears under my car registration. I pray it's true what you said that I might be off the hook, but a lesson definitely learnt.
by capri765
Nov 24, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Jumping a Traffic Signal
Replies: 5
Views: 4153

Re: Jumping A Traffic Signal

I had a narrow escape I believe, no fine for the signal camera flash. But unluckily had 6 parking fines in a matter of 2-3 weeks; 5 out of 6 were for parking in the back of Sahara Centre (unpaved parking) where over a 100 cars park every night. Dubai Police told me there is a warning board; I checke...
by capri765
Mar 08, 2014
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Jumping a Traffic Signal
Replies: 5
Views: 4153

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