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having doubts... have I screwed the pooch?

I'm trying to move to Dubai, and an employer in my field recruited me for a job that sounds appealing. They asked my current and expected salaries. I told them my salary, added 30% (as I've read that they will haggle you down aggressively), and told them I'd like that as my base salary, + housing, t...
by candyrider
Jan 18, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: having doubts... have I screwed the pooch?
Replies: 14
Views: 2836

Re: Having Doubts... Have I Screwed The Pooch?

DDS, Thanks for the response. I guess I should have been clearer and more in-depth about my motivations. I definitely know what I'm getting into, have traveled around the UAE, have family there, etc. I grew up in NJ -- no left turns there, either. And you won't see me crying over NASCAR. No, I am lo...
by candyrider
Jan 18, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: having doubts... have I screwed the pooch?
Replies: 14
Views: 2836

Re: Having Doubts... Have I Screwed The Pooch?

Thanks, BB, for the incredibly in-depth reply. I can totally identify with what you're saying about not having expected to be in Dubai for so long. I certainly never anticipated being in New York as long as I have, and my aunt and her family in AD I think went as a sort of experiment and now the kid...
by candyrider
Jan 19, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: having doubts... have I screwed the pooch?
Replies: 14
Views: 2836

Re: Having Doubts... Have I Screwed The Pooch?

Fair point, DDS. I'm trying not to give away too much specific information. But also it feels erroneous to peg my situation to my field, because the field is in the gutter generally speaking, but there are still opportunities and I'm at the top of my game. I'm in media. You probably haven't seen man...
by candyrider
Jan 19, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: having doubts... have I screwed the pooch?
Replies: 14
Views: 2836

Re: Protect The Rights Of Maids Already!!!!

For those of us who haven't lived in Dubai as long as you experts, what do you do? How do you get a maid if you don't want a live-in/sponsored maid? Are there reputable agencies where you can hire hourly that treat their maids well? And what do you do to eliminate temptation, lock up every single th...
by candyrider
Jan 19, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Protect the rights of maids already!!!!
Replies: 18
Views: 3900

Re: Having Doubts... Have I Screwed The Pooch?

Boooo... I wanted someone to say, "screw your career, you're so young. come enjoy life here and stop getting worked up about work!"
by candyrider
Jan 19, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: having doubts... have I screwed the pooch?
Replies: 14
Views: 2836

Re: Having Doubts... Have I Screwed The Pooch?

Ha, thanks! Well, good to know someone thinks it's possible.
by candyrider
Jan 19, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: having doubts... have I screwed the pooch?
Replies: 14
Views: 2836

Re: Protect The Rights Of Maids Already!!!!

One of the top 5 reasons I don't have kids, right there: dirty work. Blechh.

I'd put my dogs to work but the lack of opposable thumbs makes it hard for them to hold a broom.
by candyrider
Jan 20, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Procreation
Replies: 37
Views: 2233

Re: having doubts... have I screwed the pooch?

Update: they indeed said that the salary I proposed was beyond their reach. No counter-offer. I wrote back to ask, out of curiosity and to help my job search going forward, what they were expecting to pay. No answer yet, and I might not get one at all. BUT: the good news is that this was by no means...
by candyrider
Jan 21, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: having doubts... have I screwed the pooch?
Replies: 14
Views: 2836

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