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discrimination? yes, please...

the guidelines made me smile. sorry, andyba, but this list is real and applicable in an ideal world only... i know i'm new here, but i've been reading what you guys write and i'm sure my voice would be listened too, no matter seniority :) . i wonder how fast you'll jump at my throat :D i've joined t...
by cami
Aug 20, 2005
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: How to find a job in Dubai - Posting guidelines
Replies: 69
Views: 98918

Re: Relationship phases

LOL.. with all due respect Knight.. you're a man: how complicated can you be?? food, s.e.x., work, sleep, sports, drink, that's about it...
by cami
Oct 02, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Relationship phases
Replies: 24
Views: 4031

Re: Why do men cheat

[quote="RobbyG"]Some say its the animal spirits. I say its the free market supply... :lol:[/quote] but it's so so so unfair :lol: look what gorgeous women you can see at a ladies' night in dubai! what about men? 4 or 5 that still have hair, a wasteline, and clean nails at 40 :D i'd say the...
by cami
Oct 02, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why do men cheat
Replies: 39
Views: 9125

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