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maybe, may just be a good thing. people have been living beyond their means, with a credit card on their heads and this cannot go on like this anymore, it has to be stopped. the playing fields are now level. stockmarkets operate with fictitious digital figures and now this whole poker games is...
by britisharab
Oct 11, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Where is USA headed?
Replies: 34
Views: 6610

Breaking News:

Bush reassured investors that he and himself will solve the financial crisis gripping world economies. He has found the "Smoking Gun". "Mission Accomplished" WoW.
by britisharab
Oct 12, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Where is USA headed?
Replies: 34
Views: 6610

Don't be fooled with this charade. America and Iran, including Israel are all just playing a game of "Hide & Seek" to divert focus. They work together, even in Iraq, Iran has been a great help to America to kill and murder the Iraqi Civilians and Israel has used Iran's help to buy up p...
by britisharab
Oct 12, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Why is US obsessed with Iran
Replies: 10
Views: 3647

What is Free Trade. Free Trade is to be subsidized 100%. This means this : Plough the Land, plant plenty of Potatoes, Don't have to sell this crop, just collect the full money from your government who is the Boss of this Free Trade crap, then the government sells your Potatoes at half your Price to ...
by britisharab
Oct 12, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Free Trade
Replies: 6
Views: 2142

The Making of a Terrorist. That's very easy. Go into a civilian house with your heavy handed army, pointing your heavy guns to the women & children terrorizing them sick out of their heads and to openly mock & laugh at them, trying to provoke a re-action, but nothing happens except that the ...
by britisharab
Oct 12, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The Making of a TERRORIST
Replies: 6
Views: 3322

All that money you've lost — where did it go?

Trillions in stock market value — gone. Trillions in retirement savings — gone. A huge chunk of the money you paid for your house, the money you're saving for college, the money your boss needs to make payroll — gone, gone, gone. Or is it just — gone? The notion that you lose a pile of money wheneve...
by britisharab
Oct 14, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: All that money you've lost — where did it go?
Replies: 5
Views: 2239

$700 billion bailout way short to rescue Wall Street Gambler

Twenty of the nation's largest financial institutions owned a combined total of $2.3 trillion in mortgages as of June 30. They owned another $1.2 trillion of mortgage-backed securities. And they reported selling another $1.2 trillion in mortgage-related investments on which they retained hundreds of...
by britisharab
Oct 16, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: $700 billion bailout way short to rescue Wall Street Gambler
Replies: 5
Views: 1934

Read this wonderful article from uruknet, by Alex Lantier 14 October 2008 The 936 point rise on the US stock market yesterday ( Monday 13th) was the American ruling elite’s initial verdict on the extraordinarily favorable terms the government is granting to financial firms in the $700 billion bailou...
by britisharab
Oct 17, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: $700 billion bailout way short to rescue Wall Street Gambler
Replies: 5
Views: 1934

Wall Street is the "Tower of Babble"

Wall Street is the "Tower of Babble" Now that you've seen the "Banksters Robbery" at Wall Street, know then that the "Tower of Babble" isn't located in Babylon but rather on Wall Street. That's where these back-door economists and analysts have been explaining the dumb...
by britisharab
Oct 18, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Wall Street is the "Tower of Babble"
Replies: 8
Views: 2379

Dubai Knight wrote:Yup, there is a global economic crisis...

However its 'Babel', not 'babble'.

:roll: :roll: :roll:


However its 'Babel', not 'babble'.

can we settle for 'Bubble'
by britisharab
Oct 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Wall Street is the "Tower of Babble"
Replies: 8
Views: 2379

Re: Looking for a Merc or Volvo or similar

kiwisteed wrote:Not too expensive, just a run around. Dents and scratches OK!

Wait a while, there'll be plenty on offer after the credit squeeze hits the radiator.
by britisharab
Oct 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Looking for a Merc or Volvo or similar
Replies: 2
Views: 2104

Re: Honda civic brake pads

newbie_gal wrote:Where can I get my Honda Civic brake pads changed?

Any repair store recommended? Or should I just go to the dealers?

Backdoor mechanics have much cheaper priced parts, it a made of pure cardboard, will stop after 10 kilometres.
by britisharab
Oct 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Honda civic brake pads
Replies: 5
Views: 5217

Re: Second hand cars

I am interesting in buying second hand cars in Dubai and countries around. Are second hand cars there cheaper than in Europe/Germany, France etc. I am mainly interesting in Eurpean cars younger<2001. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try buying a car at the customs, duty free zone.
by britisharab
Oct 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Second hand cars
Replies: 21
Views: 19301


Hi guys, Please help me find a tuning shop in Dubai that installs remote engine starters (i have a Nissan Armada) but pls provide me with proper addresses, names and numbers if possible. Thank you. Z Get in touch with an Indian Auto Electrician, he will convert your car to start just by looking at ...
by britisharab
Oct 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Auto
Replies: 5
Views: 4184

use the finest graphite powder and rub with oil
by britisharab
Oct 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: How do I get rid of scratches on the windshield ?
Replies: 4
Views: 3474

by britisharab
Oct 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Wall Street is the "Tower of Babble"
Replies: 8
Views: 2379

$600 TRILLION DOLLARS in Derivative Debt Yeup, $600,000,000,000,000.00 This means that Paulsen will have to intervene 857.14 times with $700 billion dollars each time, in order to clear the derivative debt from the books. He will only be able to do it about 4 times before the dollar is reduced to a...
by britisharab
Oct 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Wall Street is the "Tower of Babble"
Replies: 8
Views: 2379

Twelve Reasons to Reject Obama

October 29, 2008 The presidential elections in the US, once again, provide an acid test of the integrity and consequential conduct of US intellectuals. If it is the duty and responsibility of the public intellectual to speak truth to power, the recent statements of most of our well-known and prestig...
by britisharab
Oct 30, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Twelve Reasons to Reject Obama
Replies: 47
Views: 7855

shariqq wrote:...then, in your proposal to reject Obama, do you suggets to accept McCain?

Both Obama and Mc Cain are from the Aipac Sewerage. So you see...Americans have been given just one choice, take only one, either way, you are still Quagmired.
by britisharab
Oct 30, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Twelve Reasons to Reject Obama
Replies: 47
Views: 7855

Oil Glut on the Market, Prices to Crash

OPEC is praying 10 times a day, that the present Oil Glut in the market does not get exposed, so that their "Oil Baby" will not fall from Gravity crashing down, like a ton of garbage. Something's not right in the oil market, can you feel it, can you smell it. A confusing picture is emergi...
by britisharab
Oct 30, 2008
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Oil Glut on the Market, Prices to Crash
Replies: 1
Views: 1385

Dozens of soldiers deployed as Toy Gun spotted near Bethlehe November 1, 2008 Bethlehem – Ma’an – Moments after seeing a young child playing with what was in fact a toy gun, Israeli forces deployed in three neighborhoods south of Bethlehem and beseiged the area. The main road between B...
by britisharab
Nov 03, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Dozens of soldiers deployed as Toy Gun spotted near Bethlehe
Replies: 1
Views: 2019

Yvonne Ridley's Address in Lahore (Pakistan) Yvonne Ridley Published by Saj on Tagged News of Dr Aafia Bismallah al Rahman al Raheem. Brothers and sisters, Assalam alaikum - I first came to Pakistan seven years ago following the horrific events of 9/11 - I am sure every single one o...
by britisharab
Nov 04, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Yvonne Ridley's Address in Lahore (Pakistan)
Replies: 1
Views: 1153

How Israel helps eavesdrop on US citizens

How Israel helps eavesdrop on US citizens Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada 3 November 2008 After the 11 September 2001 attacks, the United States government launched a massive program to spy on millions of its own citizens. Through the top secret National Security Agency (NSA), it has pursued ...
by britisharab
Nov 05, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: How Israel helps eavesdrop on US citizens
Replies: 1
Views: 1013

Taleban warn Obama on troop plans

Taleban warn Obama on troop plans BBC News Link to Article November 5, 2008 Taleban militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan have given a lukewarm response to the election of Barack Obama as the new US president. "There is neither joy nor sorrow among our ranks by the election of Barack Obama,&qu...
by britisharab
Nov 06, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Taleban warn Obama on troop plans
Replies: 24
Views: 3694

by britisharab
Nov 06, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Taleban warn Obama on troop plans
Replies: 24
Views: 3694

Obama’s First Appointment Is Son Of a Zionist Terrorist

Obama’s First Appointment Is Son Of a Zionist Terrorist Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet British poster for wanted irgun terrorists November 6, 2008 Rahm Emanuel’s father was member of militant terror group ...
by britisharab
Nov 07, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Obama’s First Appointment Is Son Of a Zionist Terrorist
Replies: 27
Views: 4923

your posts really are tiresome, repetitive and full of agenda, but at least you save the bother of having to buy a newspaper. Any chance you could add some sports reviews ?? When they do finally get round to removing the chip on your shoulder I would recommend a slight sprinkling of sea salt, a wee...
by britisharab
Nov 07, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Obama’s First Appointment Is Son Of a Zionist Terrorist
Replies: 27
Views: 4923

9/11 — Who Put Thermate in the World Trade Center? by Christopher Bollyn 18 January 2007 Reporter Sans Frontières When a former worker from the World Trade Center came forward recently with crucial and verifiable information about wh...
by britisharab
Nov 07, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Obama’s First Appointment Is Son Of a Zionist Terrorist
Replies: 27
Views: 4923

Dubai: Land of Luxury, Land of Slavery, is soon to FALL

Dubai: Land of Luxury, Land of Slavery, Land of Illusion, is soon to Fall By investing in Dubai, celebrities are giving tacit approval to a hideous society and its obscene values. By George Patrick Oct. 2, 2008 Opinion Faced with rapidly disappearing oil reserves, Dubai, one of the seven United Ara...
by britisharab
Nov 15, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai: Land of Luxury, Land of Slavery, is soon to FALL
Replies: 41
Views: 9291

Well that's all very well and good, but clearly Mr Patrick has not fully done his research sweetheart. Cyclone has been shut down for ages now, child jockeys were banned over a year ago and there are many other gross flaws to his piece. What's your agenda BA? We all know what's happening here, but ...
by britisharab
Nov 17, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai: Land of Luxury, Land of Slavery, is soon to FALL
Replies: 41
Views: 9291

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