sage & onion wrote:Your Company probably has a Sponsor / Local Partner, if so he will almost certainly have a PRO, who will be able to handle to process for a fee of course, check it out.
shafique wrote:I guess Lurpak will be unavailable again
ahmad72 wrote:PLEASE HELP ME
jabbajabba wrote:I would not worry to much.
The main reaction really depends on the content.
Chocoholic wrote:Actually you're allowed to bring 4.
Duty Free Concessions:
2 litres liquor
2 litres wine
10 cartons cigarette
100 cigars
benwj wrote:Therefore, your company health coverr becomes important in the negotiations.
bonk wrote:No risk, no data harvest.
^ian^ wrote:I still don't get why people get so emotional about the hazard light thing.
St.Lucifer wrote:I dont see the logic in how ...... switching on Hazard lights can cause 100 more vehciles to lose control and hit each other.
ebonics wrote:here is the exact law article(e) the driver is driving in hazardous weather conditions (for example, fog or smoke); or
ebonics wrote:i fail to see how the hazards are blamed on this.
ebonics wrote:the first two cars that crashed, should they turn their hazards on or not?