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Pray translation help

I am a non-arabic speaking muslim. I was looking for the translation of prays: Ya kayyumu fela yefutu sey un min ilmihi ve la yeuduh and Ya mubdial bedail lem tebgi fi insaiha avnen min halkih I will be very glad if any arabic speakers can please tell me what these lines mean. God shall bless you al...
by biri
Jun 25, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Pray translation help
Replies: 5
Views: 1792

Re: Pray translation help

Hi Symmetry, Yes I am Turkish. I guess you had the idea from the nick name :) I have attached the prayers in arabic writing. I will be glad if you translate them for me. I hope the sizes of the images are alright and writing is readable, because I could not attach any bigger images. Many thanks in a...
by biri
Jun 26, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Pray translation help
Replies: 5
Views: 1792

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