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End of service benefits advice

Hi all, I am in the middle of negotiating my end of service benefits with my employer in Dubai. I have recently learnt that my employer is obliged to pay overtime if an employee works for more than the 48 hour week, and not in a managerial/senior position according to UAE labour law. I fly a lot for...
by bingobango
Aug 24, 2012
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: End of service benefits advice
Replies: 6
Views: 2880

Re: End of service benefits advice

Thanks for the response. There is nothing about overtime in my labour contract, nor international travel. My reasoning is that if I can prove if I am regularly requested to spend time away from home on business, I can request/negotiation compensation for personal time at home/with family I have lost...
by bingobango
Aug 25, 2012
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: End of service benefits advice
Replies: 6
Views: 2880

Re: End of service benefits advice

Thanks for the advice. I will play it by ear and see how it goes.
by bingobango
Aug 25, 2012
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: End of service benefits advice
Replies: 6
Views: 2880

Re: End Of Service Benefits Advice

kanelli , understood, however it was not communicated to me when I signed the contract, the role seems to have evolved that way based on the business demand. Anyway I have raised the request lets see what happens.
by bingobango
Aug 28, 2012
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: End of service benefits advice
Replies: 6
Views: 2880

Resignation processed during sick leave

Hello all, I unfortunately unintentionally resigned from my employer. I retracted my resignation within 20 mins in writing and phone, but was told it was too late and am now being asked to sign my final settlement. My saving grace may be that I was on sick leave when my resignation was processed. Pr...
by bingobango
Aug 28, 2012
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Resignation processed during sick leave
Replies: 8
Views: 4521

Re: Resignation Processed During Sick Leave

I understand. Still negotiating at the moment so eventually I guess I will have to make a decision to take my job back or take a payout which includes overtime. I am seeing a lawyer so they should clarify my legal position. Will update.
by bingobango
Aug 29, 2012
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Resignation processed during sick leave
Replies: 8
Views: 4521

Re: Resignation Processed During Sick Leave

My employer is a very large multi-national. My thinking is - if I can prove they have broken the law with regards to my resignation, then they will back track quickly in order to protect their reputation.
by bingobango
Aug 29, 2012
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Resignation processed during sick leave
Replies: 8
Views: 4521

Re: Resignation Processed During Sick Leave

desertdudeshj, I understand your skepticism, I am being sketchy on the details because the net is a very small place these days. I am ready to forgo compensation if I can get my job back - no professional or personal reason has been given for why my resignation when retracted immediatly was not hon...
by bingobango
Aug 29, 2012
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Resignation processed during sick leave
Replies: 8
Views: 4521

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