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MaaaD wrote:What do you want them to do ? erect a statue of him on the trade center roundabout ?

Great idea Maaad! They could put him next to the camels, horses or whatever is there at the moment. He probably like camels.
by benwj
Jun 04, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Naked man on SZR
Replies: 58
Views: 6909

I am curious as to what it has brought you Makhan? You sound slightly bitter.

BTW Maaad, I have heard that the York is better than cyclone.
by benwj
Jun 04, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai Summer Singles(DSS)
Replies: 14
Views: 2698

I feel that people have a right to smoke and I can tollerate people smoking in the mall itself, but this country has a large percentage of inconsiderate people and they ignore the no-smoking signs in the food courts as well. I feel that a total ban is the only way that it can be policed. And if this...
by benwj
Jun 04, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Smoking inside shopping malls.
Replies: 81
Views: 9200

This is getting a bit too technical for me.

I just need to know if I can be jailed and deported for farting in a smokers face.
by benwj
Jun 04, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Smoking inside shopping malls.
Replies: 81
Views: 9200

I have only ever heard good things about the country club, but I cannot for the life of me understand why. golf? sand tennis? OK but not for me pool? rectangle, ~20m long shabby? Yes Apart from that, the bar and the whole place in general has no atmosphere at all. Unless you are a rock spider, or a ...
by benwj
Jun 17, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai Country Club
Replies: 6
Views: 1837

cool. I've had a look at the US website for the specs, and it appears that only one remote connection to a box is allowed :( However, if you can stream the content through a pc, I'm sure it can be shared for all using something like ORB.. but I'm not that technical, perhaps someone can help? That w...
by benwj
Jun 17, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: UK Expat TV Service
Replies: 23
Views: 5942

AOL :D Well, I suppose someone has got to be with them!! Well I had a quick look, and it just says that it has "download speeds" of upto 8mb - no indication of what the upload speed is, but I suspect its probably around 20% of that (about 1.6mb). That is being quite generous. This sounds ...
by benwj
Jun 18, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: UK Expat TV Service
Replies: 23
Views: 5942

my down load speed tested at 6.7 mbps and upload @ 1.7mbps :D :D :D What was that you were saying about AOL zooter? Sounds pretty bloody good to me. I'd use then in an instant. I can't find any regular isp Oz who will give me any more than 256kbps upload, which is the more important for this applic...
by benwj
Jun 19, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: UK Expat TV Service
Replies: 23
Views: 5942

Hi Lorimer Welcome to the forum. Try not to take any notice of the rude people on this forum. There are a lot of helpful people on here and you can get answers to your questions. All I would suggest is that you search the forums for any threads related to your questions. If you don't do this you wi...
by benwj
Jun 20, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: scots looking for new life in dubai
Replies: 13
Views: 3322

Hi Ann, The "moving to dubai helpful site" "sticky" message at the top of the previous page is very helpful wrt costs, where to live etc. You will both need a reasonably well paid job to be comfortable here. There is a lot of construction happening and your husband should approac...
by benwj
Jun 20, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: scots looking for new life in dubai
Replies: 13
Views: 3322

Ditto. Wait until you get a good feel for the market after living here a while before you start spending any money. Dubai has just come off the top of a boom period and things are a bit unpredicable at the moment. Your budget is also at the lower end of the apartment market where I can see the bigge...
by benwj
Jun 20, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Buying an Apartment
Replies: 17
Views: 4728

Don't they?
by benwj
Jun 21, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: UK Expat TV Service
Replies: 23
Views: 5942

1st I don't think that they need to work here, and only want to know how to stay here 6 months on a visit visa. Theoreticaly, it would be possible to spend 6 months here with 2-3 visa runs. 2nd I havn't heard of anyone requiring a residence visa to enrol their children at school (I didn't). GABs mig...
by benwj
Jun 21, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Applying for School Places
Replies: 13
Views: 3606

the feedback from slingbox forums sounds good. But the upload speed is important. For someone like Arnie in the UK, already with a sky digital connection and very good broadband link, it would be worth doing. We will have to wait and see how he goes.
by benwj
Jul 05, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: UK Expat TV Service
Replies: 23
Views: 5942

Liban wrote:Egypt is not a first class touristic country... Please! :roll:

In fairness, the red sea resorts are very nice, but the rest of the place is just shameless beggars and con artists.
by benwj
Jul 11, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Where would you sepnd ur Summer Vacation ?!?!
Replies: 36
Views: 5534

I needed to do a visa run to convert a visit visa to a residence visa. I had pre-arranged for my residence visa application to be submitted at Dubai the day after I were to arrive (flying) in Muscat. Soon after arriving in Muscat I received a phone call saying that it would cost 500 Dirhams extra fo...
by benwj
Jul 11, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: BEWARE government robbers!!!
Replies: 14
Views: 2278

Renting a small car will cost around 1200-1500 Dirhams per month.
So, If you are staying for 2 years, you car spend at least 28,000 on the purchase of a car without loosing any money.
A half decent new car will be around 55,000 Dirhams.
by benwj
Jul 30, 2006
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Car questions for Expats
Replies: 10
Views: 3299

1.) The schools can be divided into non-profit or privately owned. I prefer non-profit, because then I can be assured that the children come first. But there are some good privately owned schools as well. The non-profit schools that I know of are: Dubai English Speaking School (DESS) Jumeirah Englis...
by benwj
Jul 30, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: British Curriculum Schools in Dubai
Replies: 3
Views: 5910

I-No-Jack wrote:depends on what you are good at :!:

Being put on the desk and screwed maybe?
by benwj
Jul 30, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: What does it mean to be AFRICAN BLACK in Dubai?
Replies: 18
Views: 5406

DESS has a new secondary section. Those schools may be old (40 years for DESS) but I'd hardly call them dated. Yes, dated is the wrong term. It just looks that way. But what it lacks in, appearance, it seems to make up for in quality of teaching and dedication. I thought English College was K-12 ev...
by benwj
Aug 30, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: British Curriculum Schools in Dubai
Replies: 3
Views: 5910

these are the types of locals that i would love to kick their a#s not all locals are like that i do apologize Not a good idea in this country Bleakus. You will be jailed and deported for swearing at a local, let alone hitting one. At best, they will do the most honourable thing that they can compre...
by benwj
Sep 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Are locals exempted from the Law?
Replies: 60
Views: 7377

Hi, I didn't want to start a new thread so i stuck it on the end of this one as it's on topic of such.. Question is: Would a UK TV work in Dubai? Talking about voltage it's an expensive TV and can do 220/110, not worried about terrestrial channels as I’l buy a Satellite box.. or is there something ...
by benwj
Sep 28, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: French TV
Replies: 6
Views: 2974

you cannot connect to DEWA until the deposit is paid and your certificate of ownership / tennancy agreement is produced at any main DEWA office. This should read "You cannot transfer the DEWA account over to your name until..." XP Clone sounds like an owner otherwise he would be asking th...
by benwj
Oct 24, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: DEWA
Replies: 4
Views: 4099

Re: Sky UK Satellite Television?

Hi all, Does anyone know whether Sky Satellite television is available in the UAE? I have a Sky+ box that I would take with me if I could get the correct dish etc. Cheers for any help. Ross :D Technically I think this should be possible, provided you point the dish towards the right cordinates, I t...
by benwj
Oct 24, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Sky UK Satellite Television?
Replies: 28
Views: 5190

:lol: campioni del mondo baby ... so u gotta respect them till 2010 atleast :wink: best team in europe .. second best in the world .. at present the best in the world. an got the cup to prove it .. the rest can talk .. but who got the cup? :) great france cna kiick and already kicked italy's @rse i...
by benwj
Oct 24, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Sky UK Satellite Television?
Replies: 28
Views: 5190

Qatar 2016 Olympics

Qatar have thrown down the gauntlet/jumped the gun/stolen Dubai's thunder, by announcing that they will bid for the 2016 Olympics. They obviously don't expect to win because thay have also said that they will keep bidding until they eventually win. It is more Dubai's style to bid when they know that...
by benwj
Dec 13, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Qatar 2016 Olympics
Replies: 35
Views: 4185

Dubai will never host the Olympics, don't make me laugh. It isn't as funny as you think. All they have to do is pay someone else to organise it like everything else in Dubai. Most of the infastructure will already be in place by then. The political situation will be the decider and this could easil...
by benwj
Dec 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Qatar 2016 Olympics
Replies: 35
Views: 4185

Chocoholic wrote:Er yes, and what a tad of a farce that was.

It might have been a farce, but it was very well organised.

Maybe that was because they managed to keep all of the tree huggers behind an 8 foot steel mesh fence.
by benwj
Dec 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Qatar 2016 Olympics
Replies: 35
Views: 4185

Well that is provided they could even get into the country, now that would be an interesting concept. It would be handled, this is a minor detail, it's the construction of Olympic Stadium etc etc etc Yes it is a minor detail. Unfortunately, this won't stop the bleeding hearts from making a big deal...
by benwj
Dec 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Qatar 2016 Olympics
Replies: 35
Views: 4185

I prefer the Boodja dance.
by benwj
Dec 14, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Does anybody know how to do the haka dance?
Replies: 19
Views: 2414

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