batman10 - Posts

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Job offer - should I accept?????

Dear All, Can you help me? I have been offered a job in Dubai with a basic salary approx 27,000 AED per month on top of this I get 90,000 AED per annum towards accommodation and 48,000 AED pa towards transportation. I already have a good job in the UK which equates to the same salary (£75,000 pa) bu...
by batman10
Dec 24, 2005
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Job offer - should I accept?????
Replies: 4
Views: 2507

Relocating from the UK - airconditioning,asthma and cars

Hi I have just been offered a position in Dubai and my wife has a newly born baby. 1) does anybody have experiance of bring up a newly born in an air conditioned environment. Is it bad for thier health? 2) I obviousely will need a car to travel to work in. Does my wife also need a car to survive. 3)...
by batman10
Jan 09, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Relocating from the UK - airconditioning,asthma and cars
Replies: 2
Views: 1697

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