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Excellent Home Based work

Hi, We are looking for 20,000+ home based executives in all the countries for promoting an innovative business idea through Internet. Great revenue generator and this process runs for 05 years, for details send a mail to immediately. References are appreciated and reward...
by atworld
Feb 05, 2010
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Excellent Home Based work
Replies: 0
Views: 2647

Work from the comfort of your home

Hi, We are promoting an innovative business idea globally through Internet. We are looking for 20,000+ executives to work form home wherever they are in this world. Excellent revenue pattern. They can refer more home-based executives on attractive referral fee. To know more, send a mail to partner@a...
by atworld
Feb 25, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Work from the comfort of your home
Replies: 1
Views: 1469

Cockroach menace and environmental friendly solution

We have a time-tested method to eliminate cockroaches in an environmental friendly way. It's a great opportunity for people who would like to start a home or cottage industry anywhere in the world. To know more write to Thanks, Adam Business consultant. http://www.atworlds...
by atworld
Mar 01, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Cockroach menace and environmental friendly solution
Replies: 0
Views: 1178

Home based work network

We are creating a global network of home-based work executives to promote various innovative business ideas, plans and projects. The opportunity is open in all 230 odd countries. To know more, send a mail to

by atworld
Mar 09, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Home based work network
Replies: 0
Views: 1036

Excellent Home Based work

Hi, We are looking for 20,000+ home based executives in all the countries for promoting an innovative business idea through Internet. Great revenue generator and this process runs for 05 years, for details send a mail to immediately. References are appreciated and reward...
by atworld
Mar 24, 2010
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Excellent Home Based work
Replies: 0
Views: 2079

Home based work network

We are creating a global network of home-based work executives to promote various innovative business ideas, plans and projects. The opportunity is open in all 230 odd countries. To know more, send a mail to

by atworld
Mar 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Home based work network
Replies: 0
Views: 1010

Consultants and Brokers required.

Hi, We are looking for consultants and brokers to find voice and non- voice BPO centers of all capacities (both Domestic and international) to promote an innovative project across 200 odd countries. Excellent slab based finder fee and very good payout on weekly basis for centers. Interested, send a ...
by atworld
Mar 31, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Consultants and Brokers required.
Replies: 1
Views: 1690

Hi Revenue Home Based work.

Hi, We are looking for 20,000+ home based executives in all the countries for promoting an innovative project through Internet, which has potential to be marketed to about 6.5 million small and micro entrepreneurs and millions of end users all over the world. The project is about eliminating roaches...
by atworld
Apr 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Hi Revenue Home Based work.
Replies: 0
Views: 1365

"No upfront excellent voice process"

Hi, we are looking for good out bound domestic and international centers all over world for an excellent pay for performance process. Very good pay-out. payments are weekly. Centers are doing 2 SPD. Interested centers can send a mail to immediately. Thanks Sunan Business-...
by atworld
Apr 24, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: "No upfront excellent voice process"
Replies: 0
Views: 1080

Excellent home based business.

Hi, We are looking for about 6.5 Million people who are interested in very low investment high profit home based business all over the world. The product is like a commodity, once a customer always a customer. Interested to know more, send a mail to Thanks Nancy Business Con...
by atworld
May 06, 2010
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Excellent home based business.
Replies: 0
Views: 1699

Do you have cockroach menace?

Get rid of cockroach menace once and for all. We have a 500 year old refined, simple, permanent and environmental friendly cockroach elimination method. To know more send a mail to


by atworld
May 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Do you have cockroach menace?
Replies: 1
Views: 1114

Excellent, easy, outbound, pay for performance US process

Hi, We are short listing centers for an excellent US outbound process. You can easily do 2 to 3 SPH. Minimum 5 seats. For details send a mail to with your profile. This is an excellent process for small and medium voice BPOs. Thanks Nancy. Consulting Manager. http://www.atwo...
by atworld
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Excellent, easy, outbound, pay for performance US process
Replies: 0
Views: 1072

International BPO clusters


We are in the process of setting up BPO clusters in many countries, those who are interested to be part of it in any way can send a mail to us on .


Project consultant
by atworld
Jul 16, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: International BPO clusters
Replies: 1
Views: 1604

BPO cluster in Bhutan

Hi, We are planning an international BPO cluster in Bhutan which will create innumerable opportunities to local people. Those who want to be part of it like investors, consultants, brokers and existing centers can write a mail to for more details. Thanks Adam Project consulta...
by atworld
Jul 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: BPO cluster in Bhutan
Replies: 0
Views: 1087

Excellent, easy, outbound, pay for performance UK process

Hi, We are short listing centers for an excellent UK outbound process. You can easily do 2 to 3 SPH, minimum 5 seats. For details send a mail to with your profile. This is an excellent process for small and medium voice BPOs. Thanks Nancy. Consulting Manager. http://www.atwo...
by atworld
Aug 10, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Excellent, easy, outbound, pay for performance UK process
Replies: 0
Views: 1248

Easy outbound process for US, UK, Canada and Australia

Hi, We are short listing centers for an excellent, easy outbound process. You can easily do 2 to 3 SPH. The process is offered for US, UK, Australia, Canada and Indian markets (for Indian domestic dialing), minimum 5 seats, preference will be given to centers that would start with 20 seats. Let us k...
by atworld
Aug 17, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Easy outbound process for US, UK, Canada and Australia
Replies: 0
Views: 1297

Home based call center agents

Hi, We are looking for home based call center agents from US,UK,Canada,Australia, India and Philippines to work on an excellent outbound pay for performance campaign. Very good payout. Interested can send a mail to immediately. There are only 20 openings at present. Thanks N...
by atworld
Aug 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Home based call center agents
Replies: 0
Views: 1385

Call centers all over world

Hi, If you are a go getter and well networked in your part of the world, you are the one we are looking for. We do turn key projects of international call centers all over world and we are be looking for potential investors to invest in these projects, you are expected to find them for us for a fee ...
by atworld
Sep 09, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Call centers all over world
Replies: 0
Views: 1287

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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