asfand64 - Posts

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I just got to Dubai a week ago from the US. I have never been to a online forum of any sort. Would love to get in touch with some cool people. See how this goes...
by asfand64
Dec 26, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Nice guys(girls) finish last
Replies: 18
Views: 8219

I just moved to Dubai a couple of weeks ago from the US. I used to be pretty good at table tennis but havent played for a while. I would love to find a place to play and also someone to play. Please let me know if anyone is interested. Thanks
by asfand64
Dec 26, 2008
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: Playing table tennis in Dubai
Replies: 36
Views: 26184

I just moved to Dubai a couple of weeks ago from the US. I used to be pretty good at table tennis but havent played for a while. I would love to find a place to play and also someone to play. Please let me know if anyone is interested. Thanks
by asfand64
Dec 26, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Table Tennis
Replies: 96
Views: 54956

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