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bestidea , Hi, am from Philippines who has similar case with others, absconding and over staying. i would like to email you, detailing my status here in UAE with a hope that you can assist or guide me to eventually solve my problems. can i have your email address please? Thank you very much. ANgiee
by angiee
Dec 06, 2015
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Dropping life-time ban after absconding case
Replies: 17
Views: 13133

Re: Absconding Case

Hi Dani, would it be also possible to call you and ask for the progress of your case? looks like we have similar situation and would appreciate if you can guide me to resolve mine? Thanks....Angiee
by angiee
Dec 06, 2015
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Absconding case
Replies: 12
Views: 7420

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