andrew_acuo - Posts

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Looking for a business partner in Dubai: software products

To Whom it may concern, I work for a software development company in South Africa called Acuo Technologies. We specialise in mobile software development, on both Microsoft. NET and Linux platforms. Acuo has developed a number of products, namely: A pre-paid virtual top-up system for the South Africa...
by andrew_acuo
Dec 20, 2004
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Looking for a business partner in Dubai: software products
Replies: 0
Views: 2005

GSM modems required

Greetings. Hope you are well and are having a good day. I represent a company based in South Africa and we implement GSM based mobile applications. There are a number of potential "machine to machine" (M2M) applications where GPRS/CSD based data connections are required from a (mobile) device to a c...
by andrew_acuo
Apr 06, 2005
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: GSM modems required
Replies: 0
Views: 2012

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