aha007 - Posts

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Please help! Are these non-pharma supplements ok to bring?

hi! my husband and i are moving to dubai in around a month and have never been there before. i'm not sure what health supplements i'll be able to bring hassle-free. i keep reading differing advice - some who say it probably won't be an issue, chances are you won't get searched...then people who tell...
by aha007
Mar 07, 2013
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Please help! Are these non-pharma supplements ok to bring?
Replies: 4
Views: 2942

Re: Please Help! Are These Non-pharma Supplements Ok To Brin

bossman , thanks for replying! good to hear i can bring them! and i don't need a prescription or doctor's note?

oh, and do you think the 3 month supply limit would still apply? or i can bring as much as i want?
by aha007
Mar 16, 2013
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Please help! Are these non-pharma supplements ok to bring?
Replies: 4
Views: 2942

Re: Please Help! Are These Non-pharma Supplements Ok To Brin

bossman , thank you!
by aha007
Mar 17, 2013
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Please help! Are these non-pharma supplements ok to bring?
Replies: 4
Views: 2942

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