afx8592rdj - Posts

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10/10 site, never fails.
by afx8592rdj
Jan 22, 2015
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Can anyone suggest me website where i can watch movie online
Replies: 4
Views: 5184

Underground electronic music /general/

This is a thread purely for underground electronic music enthusiasts. It's main role is for people who live in the UAE to connect with one another, as we know that there's a pretty low number of serious musical listeners here, so here's how it's going to go, rules are: Post: - Age - Current Job - Lo...
by afx8592rdj
Jan 22, 2015
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Underground electronic music /general/
Replies: 0
Views: 31513

Re: Feeling Lonely In Dubai

Is this thread still alive?

--- Jan 22, 2015 ---

Farhan007 , hey, yeah, got here about a week and a bit ago, no friends/people in general yet, living in jumeira and soon in Barcha(I hope) before i start working, wanna meet up?
by afx8592rdj
Jan 22, 2015
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Feeling lonely in dubai
Replies: 186
Views: 67877

Re: 24alife Has Been Launched - LOOKING FOR NEW PARTNERS!

Can you explain a bit more to me, please?
by afx8592rdj
Jan 23, 2015
Forum: Dubai Events
Topic: 24alife has been launched - LOOKING FOR NEW PARTNERS!
Replies: 2
Views: 3065

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