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Marketing jobs

Hey I am an MBA graduate(Fresher) specialized in marketing and operations.Will it be difficult for a fresher to find a job?What is the salary range that I can expect.
by abduabu
Aug 06, 2013
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Marketing jobs
Replies: 0
Views: 1737

Re: Fresh Graduate Salary In UAE

Salary depends on various factors like the profile of the job,your educational qualifications and additional skills .
by abduabu
Aug 06, 2013
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Fresh Graduate Salary in UAE
Replies: 6
Views: 9266

Re: Fresh Grads In Dubai

For non technical field the task of finding a suitable job would be possible.But it would take some time.Salary wouuld not be negotiable to freshers.But after you gain experience say 6-12 months then you can negotiate your salary.
by abduabu
Aug 06, 2013
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Fresh grads in Dubai
Replies: 1
Views: 2837

Job openings for a fresh MBA graduate with B tech background


I am an MBA graduate with B tech background.I don't have any work experience. Would it be easy for me to find a suitable job?For the initial year I am giving least priority to salary as I am concentrating more on the profile.
by abduabu
Aug 07, 2013
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Job openings for a fresh MBA graduate with B tech background
Replies: 0
Views: 1705

Re: Motivation

That video was really motivating.But the problem which I am facing is that for me motivation doesn't last for many days.When I see similar videos I get motivated,but gradually motivation in me declines.This opinion is from personal experience and it might not be the case with everyone else.
by abduabu
Aug 13, 2013
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: Motivation
Replies: 14
Views: 25825

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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