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It is very difficult to find a friend coz it is very important to have same mental level and same thoughts. A real friend is with whom you can spend time with out any ill feeling and with feeling of enjoyment.
by abdalrasheed
Nov 23, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Friendship
Replies: 13
Views: 3052


Traffic jams has made working miserable in Dubai and seems it will be worst in coming days. It seems that Dubai Police has no option and solution to control over it.
by abdalrasheed
Nov 23, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Traffic
Replies: 0
Views: 1059

Good After noon

Folded bed sheet, stacked pillows, blanket and mattress in their place
by abdalrasheed
Nov 30, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Thursday Poll: The first thing you did this morning?
Replies: 59
Views: 5396

Its not the matter that how much one can smoke or not. Also I dont believe that one will die only because he or she is smoking. That is why I am also smoking. about 15 cig a day. But it is not good to smoke. Not because one will die but coz it is not good habbit and people dont like it and also it c...
by abdalrasheed
Nov 30, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Whats the point of giving up smoking when......
Replies: 28
Views: 2619

West Indies VS Pakistan

Yousuf is hammering with his bat. He seems to be un-stopable. Appeared as a top rated batsman nowadays. What a series he has. What a year he has 9 centuries, more then 1700 runs, centuries in both innings, broke the record of Viv broke the record of Zaheer and lots more going on.
by abdalrasheed
Nov 30, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: West Indies VS Pakistan
Replies: 3
Views: 990

A woman's Prayer

Dear Lord, I pray for Wisdom: To understand a man , to Love and to forgive him , and for patience: For his moods. Because Lord, if I pray for Strength: I'll just beat him to death "
by abdalrasheed
Dec 01, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: A woman's Prayer
Replies: 1
Views: 1079

Men beats wives / women regardless of thier religion. agreed that ration in muslims is higher.

Beating any one regardless of sex is not good. if something bothers you or annoying you stay away from it.
by abdalrasheed
Dec 01, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why do men beat their wives???
Replies: 77
Views: 14714

in some cases beating of women are justifying but there are lot of other ways to handle them. Beating is not the solution. Beating will worsens the situation
by abdalrasheed
Dec 01, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why do men beat their wives???
Replies: 77
Views: 14714

It is not so good being a vergin and also loosing verginity depends......

But I am not vergin ..........

Married ......

by abdalrasheed
Dec 01, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Too old to be a virgin?
Replies: 70
Views: 19044

how old are you?

A woman walked up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch. "I couldn't help noticing how happy you look," she said. "What's your secret for a long happy life?" "I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day," he said. "I also drink a case of whiskey a week, e...
by abdalrasheed
Dec 01, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: how old are you?
Replies: 0
Views: 675

the case is well dealt with by asc_26. Staring is not the problem but it is fact that no body has sufficient courage to bother anybody, male or female, here in Dubai without his or her will and wish. random cases of misbehave happen all over the world but the ratio is very small here. I have seen wo...
by abdalrasheed
Dec 02, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: How is the se xism issue in Dubai?
Replies: 21
Views: 2213

We have this Gel insect killer. We are working on this to launch here in Dubai also. Looking for the feasible partner or distributor.
by abdalrasheed
Dec 02, 2006
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: Bed Bugs Gel Killer
Replies: 10
Views: 20065


Any body interested in import of cement specially for East Africa and Iraq. We are already exporting about 50,000 tons of cement per month to Iraq. Competitive rates and terms offered.
by abdalrasheed
Dec 02, 2006
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: Cement
Replies: 0
Views: 970


Today in Gulf News: One man fined Dhs. 2000 for plying his car as illegal taxi by RTA. He was taking his friend to drop him somewhere in his way to work. He showed the officials all evidences but failed to convince them. He was reffered to police but no one helped him. He then walked into RTA office...
by abdalrasheed
Dec 02, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Helpless
Replies: 19
Views: 2225

still in search of dream girl ..........
by abdalrasheed
Dec 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Where wud u take ur dreamgal/dreamboy for a date in UAE?
Replies: 124
Views: 24602

It is very difficult to have a girl friend not only in Dubai but all over the world..... It is my personal opinion.
by abdalrasheed
Dec 03, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why is it easy to get girls ?
Replies: 188
Views: 57714

another weekend..... will be the same as usual ... boring and boring
I hate weekends as long as I have no activity in the weekends
will try to sit downstairs and watch passing chicka babes, drinking and eating and thats it
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 295
Views: 29097

is it that much important to have access to that fight club. wanna fight or what?
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Fight Club
Replies: 16
Views: 2675

Re: Fight Club

Bushy - at that sight of you i would quite glady.[/quote]

Wow Bushy!!!!!!!!
R U Really bushy?
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Fight Club
Replies: 16
Views: 2675

Guangzhu (China)
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: New game:cities(try it)
Replies: 1116
Views: 118793

by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: Change 2 letters in a 6 or 7 letter word
Replies: 1004
Views: 96705

isabela wrote:
zam wrote:
MaaaD wrote:how exactly did you get yourself wet ?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

zam ..dont laugh at his question? its just the rain...
i'm not thinking what you guys are thinking!
don't pollute my innocent mind.. duh! :roll:

May God save your innocent mind.... very difficult at DF.
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Anyone please....
Replies: 57
Views: 5092

will try not to be pathetic and looser
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 295
Views: 29097

HP :?: :?: :?: :?: :?
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 295
Views: 29097

dont agree, in the past year have met many interesting people, its all about the attitude u have and the way u approach the situation, depends on wether ur a conversationalist or an introvert. cheers J u r right. Agree with you. I have the same problem (little bit) as with Mr. Lonely but not 100%. ...
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why is it so tough to meet people here?
Replies: 41
Views: 10149

for a long drive
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Where wud u take ur dreamgal/dreamboy for a date in UAE?
Replies: 124
Views: 24602

nothing new. it is always weak
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Who to blame now.
Replies: 52
Views: 5811

most of women here wear abaya by force. the abaya being worn here creates more temptation. This is not what the Hijab what Islam is saying (I suppose). definition of Hijab varies from one islamic country to another. Some nationalities only cover their hairs and rest of their beautiful body is on dis...
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Hijabi Barbies
Replies: 21
Views: 3150

I had a delegate from USA. He is Chief Executive of a pharmacutical company. During dinner he was asking some questions abot Islam. He asked why Muslims keep their women covered. I replied coverless women attracts men and cause vulgarity in the society and women is a very much precious thing of the ...
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Hijabi Barbies
Replies: 21
Views: 3150

I do drink but not too much. likes only scotch. Never heard of this "ARAK". Is it also available at wine shops or bars?
by abdalrasheed
Dec 07, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: It has been a while....
Replies: 47
Views: 4118

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