the_zooter wrote:Then shuts down just as you've got Internet Explorer open!!
Still having problems with it, X??
Ya mon, never bothered to fix it cause I wanted to get a new desktop so surviving with my work lappy for the moment.
the_zooter wrote:Then shuts down just as you've got Internet Explorer open!!
Still having problems with it, X??
arniegang wrote:he's probably got more chip power in his car, mind you his laptop does 0 -60 in 2 days
sniper420 wrote:that was harsh
fayz wrote:Hopefully those were two different experiences for you
Salman_20VT wrote:Thank you XRW-147! i was not aware of that link, that's quite a help! I appreciate that,
Salman_20VT wrote:than why there's no official VW club in UAE? its sad......all we can do is join togather and make an online club VW in forums!
yorky500 wrote:No idiots on the roads what so ever, that was until i came along!
ahamed wrote:XRW.. no offense.. but i will show you what i am if i get you on the road .. hheheheeh .. lol ..