blindman wrote:exactly!Hope you gonna help me.
p.s is the one i`m looking for.Do you know more web site like autodealer?Thanks in advanced
yorky500 wrote:Nope, none whatsoever. Its called carefull driving, but thanks for checking.
DubaiGuy wrote:You sure about that?
My car is on finance and the car is owned by the bank,and i'm repaying the bank back for it.
^ian^ wrote:Did this happen at the meet?
^ian^ wrote:The best things is the restaurants I feel. I think the variety and quality is exceptional and something to be truly enjoyed... although its hard to find a good laksa.
Rose91 wrote:lol that's hilarious
everyone's really smart on this site haha
yorky500 wrote:hey, what ya expect, I drive a car with a slush-box! hehehehehehehe
Intimacy wrote:by the way Yorky.... your signature reminded with my childhood
/me Shut up
geraintindxb wrote:I have tried Maximum 250km/h out of town in dubai. it was fabulous !!
blindman wrote:Business.Interesting in expensive cars.Mercedes,Porsche,BMW,VW .......Thats why I`m searching for dealers!If you know please let me know.Thanks in advanced.
KeithL wrote:50 members and no camera...what a pity
Concord wrote:Thanks, X
Thats great that means that C and K may be willing to donate (no pressure gals).
raidah wrote:
maybe we need to open a smelly club in the forum . the number of those with windy ideas seems to be increasing rapidly
yorky500 wrote:And you were only on the OJ? hahahahahahahahahaha
Corcovado wrote:Am i the only one who dont like the food here?? maybe cos i am from lebanon were the food is sooooooo fine
XRW-147 wrote:I think you might be dillusional Ian. Sure, variety is good, but authenticity (ergo quality) very lacking.
yorky500 wrote:Oi, less of that. Thats a low blow and rather painful! hahahahahahaha
geraintindxb wrote:no, another rood without cameras. maybe it was somewhere in sharjah.
GAB wrote:Similarly, I don't like these ugly cyber boys, they sound attractive until you see them shopping in Carrefour!
yorky500 wrote:Errrrrrrrrr, what, ya mean the "short & curlies" as well? hehehehehehe