herve wrote:If the Mossad is "working" in the UAE, it is going to be like a walk in the parc, they litterally face no opposition, a 21st century secret service against a 7th century milicia.
busa wrote:safe to come out yet
FTD wrote:There are a number of stations already finished on the red line but are not opened yet, the reason - the stations haven't been paid for yet.
The green line is not going to happen now either.
Roadtester wrote:Cynics would say America is there to try to keep people in haiti so they dont try to illegally immigrate to USA.
gertrude wrote:It IS everyone's business since Dubai will probably uses that "miracle" in an attempt to convince investors and banks to return to Dubai.
rudeboy wrote:they found osama on Haiti beach, pretending to be bob marleyhope that makes your day